Submitted by David_H on 2017/02/27 16:13
I just tried to perform a clipping using the Firefox extension for the first time running Windows 10 and I'm getting the message in the title, even though IQ is running.  Tried closing and reopening both IQ as well as FF, no love.  IQ version is portable.
I get the same message if I try to use the universal clipper (InfoQubeClipper.exe) in the portable folder.
Any suggestions?


Perhaps you need to unblock the executables.
There is a batch file to do that: UnblockIQPortable.bat
IQ Designer

 Ran the batch command, restarted everything, still get the same message for both the FF extension and the universal clipper.


2017/02/27 17:54

In reply to by David_H

Where was the portable version copied to ?
IQ Designer

 I always keep the portable folder on the desktop and the databases in C:\DropBox\Infoqube Databases


2017/02/28 09:25

In reply to by David_H

And with 1 or more instance of IQ running, if you double-click on infoqubeclipper.exe, what happens ?
IQ Designer