Submitted by WayneK on 2021/06/11 17:29

I continue to have copy/paste issues that come and go. 

I've picked one out to write up in detail:  back to multi-line items not copy/pasting correctly.  Only one line is pasted and most of the formatting is lost. 

I tried to refresh the grid to see if that would do anything, but that only led to another problem: item focus is lost and moves to the top item of the grid, and the outline is collapsed to one level.   See attached PDF.

These are not the only copy/paste problems I'm having but it's time-consuming to write these up in a way that other people can understand.

There's a fair chance I'm doing something stupid but I think there are some unresolved copy/paste problems.


Edit: entering edit mode to copy text does not preserve formatting. 



Hi Wayne,

Are you referring to this thread: Copy/paste multiple lines issue ?

If yes, it is different. Your PDF file describes XML copy.

I just tested and regular copy works fine and preserves formatting.

I also tested XML type copy and it worked fine.

If you can reproduce it in a sample file, please send it over


Thanks, Pierre.  Probably not going to spend any more time on it as I spent way too much time on that markup. 

Regular copy, for me, does not reproduce all the formatting (eg back color is left out) but it'll be good enough.  I'll just manually re-format them as needed.



If you  want to share the cell content here, I can try to reproduce. Here is my example:

<bgcolor FFFFAA>- illegitimate child</bgcolor>


(second and third one are straight copy / paste)

[edit] In edit mode, Ctrl+Shift+V (paste special) also works fine for both InfoQube Rich Text and HTML formats [/edit]


I'll do one with more complicated formatting.  I've attached a pdf.

Here's code (also on pdf):

<b><bgcolor=afc2a7>1581                                                                                                                      </bgcolor></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></B>

• <bgcolor=ffffaa>Illegitimate child </bgcolor>
• <bgcolor=ffffaa>Imprisoned in Tower and banned from court </bgcolor>
• <bgcolor=ccffcc>Reconciled with wife Anne</bgcolor>

In this case, the fill color and header text highlighting  were lost.  This is not consistent.  In other cases, the bolding is lost.

I still can't post images here so I did everything on the attached PDF.



Indeed, XML copy / paste has some problem when the item text has newlines etc.

I added it to the list of issues

Copy / paste (IQ format or HTML format) works fine, so after an XML copy, you can copy / paste the item field to get the complete text

(if all else fails, you should be able to use the non-WYSIWYG editor to copy the item HTML code manually)


"Indeed, XML copy / paste has some problem when the item text has newlines etc."

I added it to the list of issues

OK, that's fine.  That's all I was asking. 

"Copy / paste (IQ format or HTML format) works fine, so after an XML copy, you can copy / paste the item field to get the complete text."

(if all else fails, you should be able to use the non-WYSIWYG editor to copy the item HTML code manually)."

Not for me.  Unless there's some method I'm not aware of.  These are the options I have tried:

1) Select whole cell>ctrl-C (XML copy)

2) Select whole cell>shift-ctrl-C (copy special - 6 options)

3) Edit mode>select text>ctrl-C (w/ WYSIWYG turned on/off).

I've been through all the above multiple times.  None of them preserves all the formatting on my system. 

Like I said, it's not a huge deal for me but it's a basic function that's not working (for me).  Right now, I'm just manually adding the missing formatting each time after a copy/paste.


Bug reports