Submitted by patrick on 2022/01/22 04:33

I jury rigged a simple way to time a task by creating a yes/no field (named Clock In) which, when true, sets a date field to Now with Auto-assignment rules. Clocking out is accomplished by setting a different date field, and the duration can be computed using a column equation. It is crude and it works ok, but it would be nice if selecting the Clock In field for one task will deselect this field for all other rows (exclusive selection). Is this possible?


Hi Pierre,

I am guessing that you are referring to a general timing solution ("the feature has been on the wish list for a long time"), and not specifically my hack (exclusively select only one row).

A general time tracking solution would probably be a lot of work--entire companies exist to provide just that. But with a little tweaking, I think InfoQube can provide a time usage insight or report that many of the commercial solutions cannot.

It has irked me that none of the commercial time tracking apps I've used allows me to easily create a sunburst report of my tracked time (for sunbrust examples, see…). It is because none of the pure play time tracking apps allows tasks planning using a hierarchy AND timing against the plan.

With InfoQube--if I just had a simple "start /stop" selection from the "Item" menu that allows me to start timing the selected item (and stop the clock on other items) and log the duration into a field property for the item, I can easily aggregate the clocked time using Column Equations (inheritance) using the hierarchy structure that I already use for holding my tasks ... and voilà, I would have done my planning and have the data to create my sunbrust report against my plans.

Maybe most entrepreneurs care more about creating billing invoices and logging every single minute and don't care about the details that can be provided in a sunbrust diagram. But that would be a very c0ool feature that only a powerful information manager such as InfoQube can provide.


How do I ?