Submitted by viking on 2022/02/03 18:42

1. Open the Tag Grid in database 1, expand all Tags and copy all in XML format

2. Paste as XML in database 2 and in XML format => The Tag grid now has all the copied Tags.

3. However, only the Top Level Tag is shown in the Tag pane. Is this supposed to work?




I am sorry but I do not understand. I do not have any tagged items in this new database. I also cannot Tag new items because the Tags do not exist, except for in the Tag Grid

All Items with the field Tags checked and a value for TagID will show

Please show these columns in the Tags grid ! (i.e. ask yourself: how does IQ know what items are to be shown in the tags pane ?)
(we're discussing tags, not item tags...)

re Discord: Yes we can of course, it is more interactive

For the record, in the tags grid, I selected a bunch of items, did XML copy (items and sub). In the second IQBase, I opened the Tags grid and did paste. Opened the Tags pane and all tags were there. So no issue whatsoever


So you also copied (in XML) the Tags directly from the Tag Grid and the pasted the Tags into the new database?
Doesn't work for me. Maybe we can touch base sometime this weekend when convenient for you.


Arghhh... As I was playing around with this in my original file, I accidentally deleted all my Tags in the Tag Grid (only). They now only show up in the Tag Pane. How can I get them back in the Tag Grid?

There are no tags in the Tags grid... these are items (which can show in the Tags pane)

So it is impossible to delete all items in the Tags grid and still have tags in the Tags pane

(perhaps you removed the items from the Tags grid... to show items in the Tags grid, find the items and set the Tags field to checked)

How do I ?