Submitted by viking on 2022/04/10 18:54

I increased the Outline Indenting and got a dialog asking me to move files.

It is a bit confusing because the directory is Viking.SNDB.files.
In this directory, I have another directory Viking_copy.SNDB.files and some other directories (for other SNDB files) as well as a a few regular files.

The message stated to move files from Viking.SNDB.files to its subdirectory Viking_copy.SNDB.files. Am I only supposed to move the few files, but not directories (which would cause a loop...)?

Why is this needed? Why do I need to copy files from my main file directory to a directory of a backup copy?

p.s. Why do some databases create their files directories as subdirectories (e.g. Viking_copy.SNDB.files) in my Viking.SNDB.files directory? Is it because they share some files?


The dialog appears if you changed the .Files path (2.4.10)

w.r.t. sub-directories, I suspect you have IQBases all over... Perhaps a clean up is required. The .files folder is normally an immediate sub-folder of the folder containing the IQBase

I didn't change any directories. The dialogue popped up immediately after I changed the indent (from 16 to 32 dpi).

When I create a new IQ database, I always select my Infoqube_data directory. All the .SNDB files are there.
However, the Viking_copy.SNDB.files directory was placed under the Viking.SNDB.files by IQ (apparently).

I've never seen this approach of a single .files folder. Each IQBase should use a separate .files folder for the very simple reason that Item IDs are not unique. Distinct items (in separate files) can have the same ID (the same is true of Ecco)

I don't understand why this is happening then. I just created another a new file (backup copy) and the new .files folder was put as a sub folder under the original .files directory.  Maybe it happens because I use "Save as" and give it a new name? The new SNDB file is at the same level as the original SNDB file though...


Strange about the popup message to move files when I changed the indent. I tried it again, and it didn't happen this time.

I just got the same alert message (about moving files) after changing a different setting - the multiline column headers setting. I have never changed the .Files path. Also, multiple file names were strung together in the message, as follows:

You will need to move (not copy) the files in C:\Users\Lucas\Dropbox\Infoqube\Filename1.SNDB.Files\Filename2.SNDB.Files\Filename3.SNDB.Files to C:\Users\Lucas\Dropbox\Infoqube\Filename1.SNDB.Files\Filename2.SNDB.Files\Filename3.SNDB.Files

My databases (and the corresponding .Files folders) are all at the same hierarchy level, so I'm not sure what to make of the stringing together in the alert message. But perhaps I should just store each database in a totally separate folder to avoid this issue.


Hi Pierre, 

First off all, I should just clarify that I slightly misreported the error message. It was actually as follows:

You will need to move (not copy) the files in C:\Users\Lucas\Dropbox\Infoqube\Filename1.SNDB.Files\Filename2.SNDB.Files\Filename3.SNDB.Files to C:\Users\Lucas\Dropbox\Infoqube\Filename1.SNDB.Files\Filename2.SNDB.Files\Filename3.SNDB.Files\Filename4.SNDB.Files

(Where "Filename4" would be the file I was editing, and the other files were other versions of the database stored at the same hierarchy level.)

In other words, I was being asked to move files from Filename3 to Filename4, and Filename3 represented a previous version of the database that I had saved separately. Now to answer your questions:

1. The Files path setting, which I have never edited, is the following: C:\Users\Lucas\Dropbox\- 2021\InfoQube2021\Lucas2022.SNDB.Files\this causes error.SNDB.Files\Lucas2022a1.SNDB.Files\Lucas2022a2.SNDB.Files

(the various filenames in that string are actually separate files stored at the same hierarchy level)

2. Yes, they all exist

How do I ?