Submitted by jimspoon on 2022/07/26 13:21

I'm just now getting into tagging my items (late to the party) and am finding it very convenient to do it from the tags column in the grid.  I'm pressing F2 to bring up the tags pane.  I enter a few tags, but to move to the next item I have to clear the tags pane, move to the next item, and press F2 again.  Would it be a good idea to make the tags pane non-modal?


Hi Jim,

There are actually a Tags pane and a Tags pop-up dialog. The Tags pane is non-modal (like all panes). The Tags dialog is modal:

  1. View > Tags command: Opens the Tags pane. If already opened, moves focus to it
  2. Ctrl+T: Moves focus to the Tags pane if opens. If not shows the Tags dialog
  3. F2: When focus is on a tag column, shows the Tags dialog

When in a grid, over a tag column, F2 will bring up the cell editor (which in this case is the Tags dialog). When done, press F2 again to close (Esc does the same in this case)
