Submitted by WayneK on 2022/11/27 20:49

1) Hyperlink to item in another grid correctly opens the item in its grid.

2) But item is hoisted instead of being shown in proper grid context with parents expanded.

3) When item is unhoisted, and selection is lost and you can no longer navigate to the item in the grid.

See attached markup.

Update:  I think this is another case where a command cannot execute correctly because the items in the grid have not been loaded. 

I expanded all the levels in the grid, and after that the hyperlink worked correctly.

If I remember right, this was the same issue I had with the column filter failing to find items.


Win10 121Pre3



Hi Wayne,

There is a setting for the maximum number of items to background load, perhaps increase this number

Loading items (for large grids) is a delicate balance between feature and performance

p.s. Instead of turning off Hoist, you can hoist up 1 level. You can also view the parent tree in the Properties pane

Bug reports