Submitted by lucasd on 2023/11/08 21:11

In auto-assignment rules, the vertical bar ("|") character is used to separate rules. But if I want to write a rule that makes an item become italicized, it seems like I would need to use:

[ItemFont] = "|I|"

However, it seems that this doesn't work, presumably because IQ interprets the vertical bar as a rule separation. Am I understanding this correctly, and is there a workaround?


Depending on your use case, you could try using Conditional Formats instead of Auto-assignment rules. The criteria for applying the format can also use other fields as input, and the syntax for italics is 'italic=1'

Hi Lucas,

Good point. As a first solution, I'll change it so that CR have priority over |, so that if a CR is detected, the | parsing is not performed

[Edit] Well, this change would break many rules, so it will not be implemented right now [/Edit]

Thanks very much, Cyganet and Pierre, for those suggestions. The Conditional Format approach should work for my use case, but my initial attempt was unsuccessful. Will try again.

And that's a good reminder about Visual Basic. I keep saying it's time to dive in and get familiar with that approach...

How do I ?