Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2024/01/26 09:15

Since one of the recent upgrades, the item text for maybe half my calendar events is now shown in bold. I have not been able to find a way to revert / toggle this off in the calendar itself and I don't think I've brought it about myself. When I copy the item text to a blank item in a grid, it will also show up in bold. Toggling bold on / off at the grid level also does not have an effect. When I edit the item in the grid, the text is surrounded by a <b></b> HTML tag.

I'd really like to revert all my calendar events to non-bold but am not sure if that's possible in any non-laborious way...


Hi Left,

That is most peculiar... I can't see how this can happen. How many items have this issue? It is quite easy to batch remove formatting to items, so if you want to know how to do it, do not hesitate to ask

The simplest method is simply to:

  1. Show calendar items in a flat-list grid
  2. Edit > Select all
  3. Edit > Copy
  4. Edit > Paste Special > Plain Text

Okay, I've gone and created a grid based on the ItemIsInCalendar field and removed all formatting. The thing is, the items in question are not formatted in bold in the grid but they show up in bold in the calendar pane. Also, any new calendar item I create will show up in bold now.

As this seems very weird, I'm beginning to suspect I may have set up some kind of conditional formatting rule somewhere that does this, but I can't for the life of me figure out where.


Could it be simply that you clicked on the Bold command button (formatting toolbar)? 

(unlike the grid, the calendar cannot format individual items, formatting is applied to the whole calendar UI)

Thanks. I tried that and what it did was to turn turn all the currently non-bold items bold and then turn it off again - for those items only. The items that are currently already in bold were not affected. To recap:

  • These items appear bold only in the calendar pane. When I locate these items in a grid, they are not shown in bold.
  • Turning bold on and off for these items in the grid does not affect the bold display in the calendar.
  • Copying the item text from the calendar and pasting it into a blank item in a grid results in bold text and on entering edit mode, HTML tags for bold text appear. The bold formatting cannot be removed at the grid level.
  • Looking at the values for these items in the Properties Pane, there do not seem to be any distinguishing features between the ones that are in bold and the ones that aren't.

Not sure I understood your suggestion 100%. I addded all the fields starting with ItemHTML to the InCalendar grid. None of them contain any data for either the most recent bold or non-bold items.

Ah no, I got it now. Toggled on the "Show HTML Codes" command in the Columns menu. There is a difference now: The items with bold text have some more padding below (like an additional blank line) but no additional data / characters are shown. In contrast, the non-bold items are sized exactly based on the number of actual lines of text, there is not extra line here. See screenshot: boxed item in non-bold in calendar, the item below it is bold in calendar. There is extra spacing beneath in the HTML column view.

extra line

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