Since updating to 124.2, new item fill colors won't show unless the grid is refreshed. The color call out does show up immediately in the ItemColor field but color doesn't appear on the screen until a refresh is done. This occurs only with newly-created fills. All the old fill colors appear to be intact.
Bug reports
Hi Wayne, I was not able to…
Hi Wayne,
I was not able to reproduce this. Can you provide more info?
I already reverted to 124.1…
I already reverted to 124.1. Let's wait to see if it's still doing it after the next update. If it is, I'll provide a step-by-step pdf.
I updated to 124.6 and the…
I updated to 124.6 and the problem is still there.
1a) Select item>column>color>select color
1b) or: Select item>right-click>item back color>select color
1c) or: Select item>left-click toolbar color icon
2) Item fill color remains blank even though item color name appears in ItemColor field.
3) View>refresh. Fill color appears.
Grid refreshing isn't a good temporary fix because it often collapses my outline to one level and I lose my place of work.
Update: did some testing that might help
1) Select item>paste color name in ItemColor field. Fill color appears without refreshing
After getting color to appear after pasting in the ItemColor field, the color command then works for other colors without refreshing. But the problem is fixed for only that particular item. Other items still need refreshing for colors to appear (unless I use the ItemColor field).
The above is a good temporary fix for me as I don't have to refresh the grid.
Hi Wayne 1a) Column color is…
Hi Wayne
1a) Colum>color is broken, use field properties instead. Either way, this is not what you want (affects the header color, not the item color)
All item color commands work here as expected.
I tested it in the sample IQBase you sent me last week and it is also working just fine
I don't have an explanation…
I don't have an explanation. It stopped working for me in 124.2 and still isn't working in 124.6.
I thought I had a workaround by pasting the color in the ItemColor field but I've since found that this doesn't hold up (the color soon disappears). The only thing that works is refreshing the grid.
>This occurs only with newly…
>This occurs only with newly-created fills. All the old fill colors appear to be intact.
I don't understand that sentence. Can you rephrase? Provide steps?
When the problem started, it…
When the problem started, it didn't affect items that already had fill colors. These remained intact and weren't lost.
Since you can't reproduce it…
Since you can't reproduce it I guess my only option is to revert to an earlier version. The workaround I was using only works sporadically (pasting color name into ItemColor field).
If I stay at 124.6, I lose fill colors. If I go back back to 124.1, I lose multi-line text in cells. I use both extensively in my note taking, so I'll have to go back even further.
No worry, we'll fix it next…
No worry, we'll fix it next week
Thanks, so much. I didn't…
Thanks, so much. I didn't think you could fix it since you couldn't reproduce it.
Hi Wayne, Can you check if …
Hi Wayne,
Can you check if the issue is present for the File > Welcome to IQ file ?
(to isolate if it is specific to an IQBase)
Fill colors work correctly…
Fill colors work correctly in the Welcome file.
I noticed that the Welcome file does not load my custom color set but reverts to the default set. Maybe my custom colors are the issue?
Here are my colors, in case that's relevant:
Yellow-3|&HE0FFFF|Yellow-2|&HAAFFFF|Yellow1|&H00FFFF|Daffodil|&H8CEFFD|Goldenrod|&Haae8ee|Gold-2|&H6ECEE8|ZincYellow|&H29ECF5|Gold|&H00D7FF|GreenYellow|&H30FFF1|Mustard|&H30BBE9|Honeydew|&HF0FFF0|Mint Cream|&HFAFFF5|LtGreen2|&HE4F1E3|Green-1|&HCCFFCC|Light Green|&H90ee90|Green-LT2|&HB0E2C7|Green-2|&H82CD9B|Green-Lt1|&HA7C2AF|Yellowgreen|&H99FFCC|Green 3|&H50b000|Sage|&H73947B|DarkOliveGreen|&h2f6b55|DarkGreen|&h006400|Bright Green|&H00ff00|Bluegreen-1|&He6fccb|Bluegreen-2|&He4ebbe|Bluegreen-3|&Hc7db9f|Bluegreen-4|&Hacca70|Bluegreen-5|&HACB485|Light Turqouise|&HFFFFCC|Turqouise-2|&HFFFF96|Turqouise|&Hffff00|Teal-1|&HE6E600|Aquamarine|&HD4FF7F|Spring Green|&H9afa00|Teal-2|&h808000|Azure-1|&HFFFFF0|Blue-Lt1|&hF7EBDF|Blue-2|&hf1d9c5|Pale Blue|&hffcc99|Blue-3|&hE6D8AD|Bluegray-1|&hCDCD9B|Sky Blue|&HFFCC00|Azure|&hff7f00|Blue-4|&hd58e53|HappyBlue|&HBF912B|Blue-5|&H887700|Blue|&hff0000|Lt Purple|&HFEF0FB|Purple-2|&HECE0E5|Purple-3|&HD8BFD8|Purple-4|&HDAC0CC|Purple-5|&HAD878E|Lace|&HF0D8FF|Plum|&hdda0dd|Violet|&hee82ee|MediumPurple|&hdb7093|MedVioletRed|&H8515C7|Magenta-1|&HDC00DC|Dark Magenta|&h8b008b|Pink-3|&hE1E4FF|Pink-3|&hE1E4FF|Pink-2|&hC1B6FF|Rose|&HCC99FF|Carmela|&H9462E2|DeepPink|&h9314ff|Red-1|&HC9CCE5|Red-2|&HB8B9E6|Red-3|&H9597D9|Coral Pink|&H7983F8|Red-4|&H4763FF|Red|&H0000FF|DarkRed|&H0000C0|Peach-2|&hd5efff|Linen-1|&HCFE4FA|Wheat|&hB3DEF5|Peach-1|&hb9daff|Peach-5|&ha8bff8|LtOrange-2|&H00C7FF|YellowOrange|&H55B2F0|Light Orange|&H0099FF|Coral|&HA0A0FA|Light Salmon|&h7aa0ff|WinterOrange|&H335FC2|Red-Orange|&H0045FF|Brown-2|&hC1DDDD|Brown-2|&hC1DDDD|Brown-1a|&HB9C4CC|Brown-1|&h82B4CD|Toffee|&H8FC9E6|Mocha|&H76ADE4|IncaBrown|&H65B3D9|PasteBoard|&H619BBD|RespectPinkI|&H9298B5|RosyBrown|&h8f8fbc|Chocolate|&h1e69d2|OakBrown|&H5960A8|Mustard2|&H2562A7|Cream|&HDBFAFF|Linen|&he6f0fa|Macademia Nut|&HDDE3EE|Lace2|&HD2E3EA|Beige-1|&hd1eef2|Golden Mushroom|&HD1E8F4|Tan1|&HC5DDFB|Linen-3|&hABC0D7|VanCream|&HE7F5F3|Snow|&HFAFAFF|Beige-3|&hdcf5f5|Ivory|&HF0FFFF|Gray-0|&hf2f2f2|Gray-1|&hd3d3d3|Gray-25%|&hc0c0c0|Gray-40%|&h999999|Gray-50%|&h808080|Silver|&HCDB6B6|LightSlateGray|&h998877|Slate|&H655153|Dark Slate Gray|&h4f4f2f|DarkGoldenRod|&h0b86b8|Copper|&H3764B4|ScarletBrown|&H61608E|Caramel|&H274A75|PandoraRed|&H301F4F|Brown-5|&H443D9F|Navy|&H76110D|Black|&h000000|White|&HFFFFFF
Named colors do not seem to…
Named colors do not seem to be the issue... Perhaps it is grid related.
1. All grids are affected (I…
1. All grids are affected (I've tried 20+ grids)
2. Item color is shown in default column (option is blank in Manage Grids)
3. Text color works
Can you try a Repair Also…
1) & 2) - Repair and rebuild…
1) & 2) - Repair and rebuild didn't fix it (I'd tried this before but did it again)
3) I use multiple databases. Problem persists in all 5 databases I tried.
4) Screenshot uploaded
5) Masked file sent by email
Note: When I add more columns to the fill color option, these columns DO correctly display fill color. It's only the text column that doesn't work.
OK, I think I have found the…
OK, I think I have found the issue. To reproduce:
You can confirm that this is what is happening?
Yes, the behavior you listed…
Yes, the behavior you listed does occur in the file I sent you, and several other files I checked.
I'm paring this explanation down because I'm getting different behaviors in different files. Brief summary:
1) Turning off "show box around selected cell" did restore correct fill color behavior.
2) But it also removed my selection color (selected items show no fill color)
I'm happy with this as a workaround if it holds up. The missing selection color is a very minor problem.
Thanks, Wayne
You can also turn off…
You can also turn off Highlight tree column when focused (1.2.22), this will show the item color
In the next version: Fixed:…
In the next version: