Submitted by Armando on 2010/05/11 23:45
In IQ, Auto-complete as we've been accustomed to it in recent years only works when certain field options are used.
(In the Editor section of the field management dialog)
1- "must be in the list"
2- "read only"
Only then does it do the auto-complete thing. Is there a reason for that ?
I think auto-complete should always be available whenever there's a list configured for a field (whether it's and "auto-list" or not).
This has become a standard in many apps nowadays.
(For those who don't want auto complete, there's always F2 and the drop down menu for easy selection. For the realted issue with drop down menus and F2, see Drop down menus in grids and Properties pane : should all be triggered by F2)
Opinions ?


should be universal if at all possible

0983 Auto-complete wherever/whenever there's a drop down menu  Suggestionfeature