This is a stupid question, but I can't get sub items to display. I have filtered on a column and need to see the children of the filtered items. Tried turning off the grid filter appliies to sub-items without success. Is this possible?
If you have columns filters turned ON, you need to turn it off. Column filters are shown by a bright yellow strip at the bottom of the grid.
Thank you Pierre. Do I understand correctly that I cannot filter on a column AND be able to see a filtered item's children?I kind of want the reverse of context parents by viewing the filtered parents' children. Also what does grid filters applies to sub items do?
Hoisting probably won't work for me as I have many filtered items.
Do I understand correctly that I cannot filter on a column AND be able to see a filtered item's children?
Yes to above. e.g. with column filter working try 'show all sub-items' from the item's context menu - you get the message: Please turn off column filters first
Also, column filter only works on visible items in the grid
2) Also what does grid filters applies to sub items do?
Not my expertise (filtering), but I know this relates to the filters in sourcebar & date filters (I'm not sure does it relate to the 'Alpha' filter) - it does not relate to Column Filters
2) Also what does grid filters applies to sub items do?
Not my expertise (filtering), but I know this relates to the filters in sourcebar & date filters (I'm not sure does it relate to the 'Alpha' filter) - it does not relate to Column Filters
Actually, Tom, he's referring here to the other button... :
What that does is that the filtering will go right down the hierarchies and try to find occurrences what's "filtered", instead of just looking at the top level.
Filter buttons are always shown when you hover over the column headers
Filter on type has been deactivated. It was too slow. Instead use the regular column filter (Ctrl + G) and start typing. Press Enter to apply the filter
Grid filter applies to sub-items has been merged with the Grid >> Filter criteria applies to sub-items
If adding a top level item with column filters on, a dialog is shown to remove the column filter
I'm sorry Pierre, I still don't get it. I have TLIs with several columns displayed. I filter on one of these columns and the items with matching criteria are shown. Fine. But I want to have tte option of seeing what children there are. This is not the purpose of "grid filter appliies to sub-items?" I can do this in Ecco. Kind of the reverse of enabling context parents when filtering - it provides orientation and additional information wou need, but can be switched off when you only need the specific filtered items.
By the way, I have seen this work on one of my databases (under 25a). It worked with only one item though, and only once or twice. Other items would not display there children.
Ecco-like filtering (and views) will be included in v0.9.27
Prior to v0.9.25B, if Grid >> Column filters >> Grid Filter applies to sub-items is NOT checked, you should be able to see sub-items of filtered items.
Starting v0.9.25B, the menu is Grid >> Filter criteria applies to sub-items
p.s. You know that the Properties pane shows children (i.e. sub-items) don't you ? This is not what you want ?
"Prior to v0.9.25B, if Grid >> Column filters >> Grid Filter applies to sub-items is NOT checked, you should be able to see sub-items of filtered items."
Not for me.
"p.s. You know that the Properties pane shows children (i.e. sub-items) don't you ? This is not what you want ?"
OK! I overlooked this! Yes, this willl get me by until .27.
"Prior to v0.9.25B, if Grid >> Column filters >> Grid Filter applies to sub-items is NOT checked, you should be able to see sub-items of filtered items."
Not for me.
that's working for me in version 25A -
Column Filter for XYZ shows items *xyz* with sub-items. If not expanded, when I expand them I can see the sub-items
Please turn off column filters first