Submitted by Tom on 2010/11/10 13:37
[IDEA] "Sort sub-items... etc." in Properties pane fields' context menu
I often want to sort sub-items by a field which is not showing in the grid. I was hoping this could be done via the properties pane.
Could "Sort sub-items ascending" (etc) be shown in the context menu of fields in the Properties pane? This would then sort the sub-items of the item currently 'displayed' in the properties pane
I guess (in theory) it should only show when an item is selected which actually has sub-items (or maybe I'm being too perfectionistic?)


I think that this is the option that'll make the interface even more complicated than it is.
That said, it's not a bad idea.
Why not just drag the column you need, from the properties pane, use it for sorting, and then remove it when you're done ? It would probably not be that much longer...
And of course, there's the sort text box (in source bar). This uses whatever field you want, whether it's displayed in the grid or not. However, you can't have a different sorting for subs and TLIs. Pierre once said he'd enabled the same thing he enabled for filters ( use "|" to separate TLIs filter and SLIs filters' section).


2010/11/10 21:03

In reply to by Armando

Pierre once said he'd enabled the same thing he enabled for filters ( use "|" to separate TLIs filter and SLIs filters' section).
Found the Mantis issue :
Update Issue0399 Add [parent item] | [sub-item] sorting  New featureminor 

I 'd drag the column to the grid and then sort. You can close it (shrink the width to near zero) when done and open it again when you want to sort again


2010/11/11 03:53

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I 'd drag the column to the grid and then sort. You can close it (shrink the width to near zero) when done and open it again when you want to sort again
okay !