[node:1751] available for review. Comments on technique

Submitted by KeithB on 2010/08/28 15:14
Reference new IQ manual page Pane manipulation in IQ
I've been trying to figure out how to "pull this off" for a long time.
Please feel free to make any changes in the wording.
For any prospective page writers, the way I came to capture everything, including the fancy cursors and GUI boxes, was to record the maniupulation as a movie (.AVI in my case), then capture still frames from it.
That works surprisingly well--the same technique could be used on any other animations several of us have used on the forum, for "stills" for the manual.


For any prospective page writers, the way I came to capture everything, including the fancy cursors and GUI boxes, was to record the maniupulation as a movie (.AVI in my case), then capture still frames from it.[/quote]
Clever ! Thanks for all that, Keith.