Submitted by jimspoon on 2016/08/14 23:07
For a long time I've been running the portable veersion of IQ.  And I got the idea that it would be convenient to put the IQ program files folder into a Dropbox folder.  That way, whenever I wanted to update to a newer version of IQ, I would just copy the newer IQ program files over the older program files in the Dropbox folder.  That way, I would not have to update the IQ program files manually  on each computer that I use.  Rather, when I updated the program files on one computer, Dropbox would update the iq program files on all computers that I use.
But it finally occurred to me that running IQ from a Dropbox folder might be causing the problems I've been having with Dropbox data file syncing.  In short, changes I would make to IQ items on one computer would not show up on another computer - even after (1) IQ detected the newer version of the data file in the sync folder (2) IQ prompted me to reload the data file, and (3) I had ciicked the button to do so.
I haven't tested this out yet, but did want to inquire about whether keeping the program files in a Dropbox folder is likely to cause such a problem.


Having the IQ program on dropbox should not be an issue. Having your IQBase on dropbox is not a good idea however, in particular if using the dropbox sync setup. 
IQ Designer

But it finally occurred to me that running IQ from a Dropbox folder might be causing the problems I've been having with Dropbox data file syncing.  In short, changes I would make to IQ items on one computer would not show up on another computer - even after (1) IQ detected the newer version of the data file in the sync folder (2) IQ prompted me to reload the data file, and (3) I had ciicked the button to do so.
Please try out v0.9.80a, as I've fixed an issue with dropbox sync. In short, in prior versions, the folder structure had to be identical. This has been relaxed and you can define a different location for the sync and .Files folders for each computer.
FYI, Dropbox changed the location of its main folder, from c:\Users\User1\Documents\Dropbox to c:\Users\User1\Dropbox. The change is subtle and can no unnoticed. 
IQ Designer