In v83, the Ctrl+G filter will be selected when hitting Ctrl+G, so it will be simpler to remove it: Ctrl+G > backspace > enter
That would be much better.
No, but you can assign one.
I just browsed through the Keyboard options (Category:Grid) and could not find the "Column Filter". There are Alpha-Numeric and Date Filter though. Am I missing something?
The split buttons don't show up there (bug), while in Customize, right-click directly on the button and enter the shortcut there. Use Shift+Ctrl+G for example
Assigned Ctrl+T, since Shift+Ctrl+G is used for search engines I guess and I do not need the Dial.
I use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G
(I use T and ctrl/shift/alt modifiers for marking items, adding marked items to the collection of marked items, adding marked items bellow selected items,