In your opinion, which bugs/features should be given the highest priority ?

Submitted by Armando on 2009/07/06 20:27
This is mostly to get a feel of what seems to be the most important to users... for the fun of it, and for its potential usefulness.
So, here's what I propose.
1-  Review the mantis list and old feature/bug posts in this forum (a good exercise...) and think about what you miss the most in your everyday IQ usage,
2- Then list 10 (max!) features OR bugs already discussed*, ordered by priority, "1" being the highest priority. If required, a brief justification could follow each proposition. Then we can try to see which top 3-5 bugs/features are most "wanted".
*New stuff should be discussed separately, as it has always been. This thread would be for all past requests, not new ones.
Have fun !


  1. Auto refresh. It is a pain to have to either manually refresh, close and re-open a grid, or re-start the program to see the changes I have made. This creates doubt in the program. I find that I waste entirely too much time double-checking my work.
  2. There are settings that do not stick. Workspaces don't stiick either. Again, this creates extra work whenever IQ is started. Even more aggravating is when you HAVE to re-start IQ as in #1.
There are several other issues, but these arre theb two at the top of my list.

I've created a new forum for this specific subject and moved this thread to it (pinned to the top of the list) as instructions

Hi Pierre,
For myself it would be complete control over all aspects of printing from within each grid format.  Being able to precisely render a built grid structure and appearance to print, being able to compress or expand to a desired number of pages.  Etc.
But I do use InfoQube continually, having migrated from EcoPro, meaning for me InfoQube is a good program already, so keep up the good work Pierre.
Doug Bartlett

We have voted on this before. Now -- like then -- my wish is to complete the long promised calendar module, sync it with google calendar to make it portable, add to it all the bells & whistles it should have to make it useful, i.e. filtering, printing, etc, etc.This got t he majority of the votes last time.
Like Doug, printing should be easy. Now it's convoluted. These are basic modules IMHO.
And, yes, Pierre, like Doug, I use IQ every day for almost everything & I'm grateful I have it although I find myself using evernote more & more probably b/c of the convenience of it.  I used to find IQ more convenient but with Win8, no longer.
And, yes, Pierre, please do keep up your good work. You're very talented & I see it in IQ every day. Thanks


2013/05/18 22:36

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Hello everybody. Although your comments'  legitimacy remain, note that this is a very very old thread that was brought  back to the surface by some spam bot.