Recent Forum Posts
Date Title Author # Last When
2009-09-01 What clever (and simple) UI device would improve the understanding of filters interactions in a grid ? Armando 10 jan_rifkinson 2009-09-03
2009-09-01 How can I send rich HTML emails from the "send emails" dialog ? Armando 4 Armando 2009-09-02
2009-08-30 How Do I Set Up to Auto-Color Grid Items (Parent, Child, Grandchild...)? CodeTRUCKER 9 jan_rifkinson 2009-09-02
2009-08-20 Discussion about IQ's treatment of item field(s) auto-assignation in relation to the grids' sources Armando 4 Armando 2009-09-01
2009-08-29 "Cannot load language file. Aborting" <SOLVED> pjbw 2 pjbw 2009-08-30
2009-08-28 Many items MHT content (ItemIDxxxx.MHT files links) are not searchable/findable through the Find dialogs Armando 1 Pierre_Admin 2009-08-28
2009-08-28 Background Colors in Grids Don't Requires Close/Open CodeTRUCKER 1 Pierre_Admin 2009-08-28
2009-07-08 icons jan_rifkinson 4 Pierre_Admin 2009-08-28
2009-08-06 Large text in grid jsolka 22 Pierre_Admin 2009-08-27
2009-03-22 Alternatives to drop-down field for multiple characteristics Tom 25 Tom 2009-08-27
2009-08-26 Troubleshooting Firefox - Please post FF version you are using CodeTRUCKER 3 KeithB 2009-08-26
2009-08-24 Is this a "refresh" bug? PIMfan 3 Armando 2009-08-26
2008-12-07 Get an email notification when a thread has been answered David_H 3 CodeTRUCKER 2009-08-26
2009-08-25 How do I restore my HTML tool bars? CodeTRUCKER 8 CodeTRUCKER 2009-08-26
2009-07-08 Discussion about WikiTags Armando 7 CodeTRUCKER 2009-08-25
2009-08-24 How can I create a simple note and cross-link the contents? CodeTRUCKER 12 Tom 2009-08-25
2009-08-24 Ctrl+Shift+O doesnt work when no grids open (but file still open) Tom 2 Tom 2009-08-25
2009-08-13 On holidays... Pierre_Admin 6 CodeTRUCKER 2009-08-25
2009-08-24 Firefox won't let me post or reply due to no "Comments" field. CodeTRUCKER 9 CodeTRUCKER 2009-08-25
2009-07-29 'bout ready to give this program the heave ho! crgrove 12 CodeTRUCKER 2009-08-23
2009-08-15 Using the Google Spreadsheet to track the status of the User Manual KeithB 7 Tom 2009-08-21
2009-07-29 Using the firefox clipper "copy content" + universal clipper --> Still problematic. Armando 5 jan_rifkinson 2009-08-20
2009-06-25 Bugs with 'File Link' dialog box Tom 9 Tom 2009-08-18
2009-08-12 Version 0.9.24E is released Pierre_Admin 16 KeithB 2009-08-15
2009-08-15 possible problem w date type field w certain settings -- needs to be confirmed jan_rifkinson 1 JJSlote 2009-08-15