Recent Forum Posts
Date Title Author # Last When
2017-05-22 Turn off deletion dialogue WayneK 15 WayneK 2017-08-29
2017-08-25 Version 0.9.102 is now available ! Pierre_Admin 1 Armando 2017-08-27
2016-12-02 Display bug: menu, toolbars & context menus Tom 5 Pierre_Admin 2017-08-24
2016-08-20 Importing hierarchical data DavidF 4 Pierre_Admin 2017-08-24
2017-08-16 'Field Properties' in context menu/s of PP not working Tom 2 Pierre_Admin 2017-08-24
2017-08-17 Pivot Chart to auto-update somehow ? DONLEONE 1 Pierre_Admin 2017-08-24
2017-08-19 Hoist status WayneK 4 WayneK 2017-08-22
2017-08-16 Drop down list does not work in forms Jon 8 Jon 2017-08-17
2017-08-13 Version 0.9.101 is now available ! Pierre_Admin 3 Pierre_Admin 2017-08-14
2017-08-09 Applying hierarchy functions to TLI gregory 6 David_H 2017-08-14
2017-08-10 extract some text from one field and put it in another jimspoon 5 Pierre_Admin 2017-08-11
2017-08-10 Database connection via LAN is SLOW when used by another PC seanlu21 1 Pierre_Admin 2017-08-10
2017-08-10 Can not drag the "group by"ed column header back to return to sorting mode seanlu21 1 Pierre_Admin 2017-08-10
2017-08-05 Column Filter - problem with '#' Tom 5 Tom 2017-08-10
2017-06-30 Filesize regularly/disproportionally increasing [have you seen this?] Tom 9 Pierre_Admin 2017-08-08
2017-08-06 Hyperlinks + Properties Pane Problems WayneK 1 Pierre_Admin 2017-08-06
2017-08-01 History Tom 4 Tom 2017-08-04
2017-08-02 Changing Field Names Should Not Break Associations David_H 2 David_H 2017-08-02
2017-07-29 How do I add a symbol at the beginning of every item using a rule? viking 15 viking 2017-08-02
2017-07-28 Font Issues viking 6 Pierre_Admin 2017-08-01
2017-07-30 No message popup when I edit same database from different PCs in office LAN seanlu21 5 seanlu21 2017-08-01
2017-07-28 Version 0.9.100 is now available ! Pierre_Admin 1 Armando 2017-07-29
2017-07-25 Multi-Select Editor Sync Fields Bug David_H 1 Pierre_Admin 2017-07-28
2017-07-25 Shift + Enter - High Priority Bug David_H 3 Pierre_Admin 2017-07-28
2017-07-27 Grid items count WayneK 10 Pierre_Admin 2017-07-27