Suggestions to improve column sets

Submitted by WayneK on 2022/07/18 11:19

I know I posted this a long time ago but will dredge it up again because I find that the limitations in loading column sets really reduces their usefulness.

When you load a column set:

1) It does not preserve column arrangement (the order is preserved but all columns are loaded to the right of the item column)

2) It does not preserve column groups (groups are disbanded)

3) It does not preserve hidden columns (all columns are loaded)

Auto-save column sets on load?

Submitted by WayneK on 2022/05/10 16:33

I don't know if this is really a problem worthy of action, but if I've done this once, I've done it 30 times:

1) Load column set

2) Since column sets don't preserve column groups, start grouping columns to re-create correct column layout.

3) Group columns won't  work.  When group command is initiated, the selection is lost and no action is taken.

The first time this happened, I almost posted a thread after spending several minutes trying to get the group command to work.

Suggestions for Manage Grids Dialogue

Submitted by WayneK on 2022/04/30 15:06

Suggestion 1: Add hierarchy view to Manage Grids Dialogue

This is the same function presently in the "All Fields" section of the properties pane.  Fields can be shown in an alphabetical list or in an outline that you can edit.

Provides a simple way to organize and find grids.  For example, 1) group grids by topic headers; 2) hide little-used grids; 3) hide large sets of grids that would otherwise clutter the view.

Editing white text

Submitted by WayneK on 2022/04/23 13:33

Text = White

Item Back Color = [some dark color]

Can't edit white text normally because when you enter edit mode the background turns white and the text disappears.

Suggestion: have text colors switch to black during edit mode.

White text is usually a bad idea for readability but I'm finding it useful sometimes to combine it with a bold fill color to make a header stand out.
