Documentation page titles

Submitted by carloscadu on 2022/03/23 18:55

Hi. This suggestion is a minor one, about having the IQ documentation with different webpage titles if and when possible.

As shown in the screen-recording (, I'm navigating IQ documentation and getting a bit lost because all opened webpages have the same titles, although the URLs are different.

Consequently, it also affects clipping/capturing of the webpages, since they are got with the same title and need further renaming for proper organization.

Thank you,


Quick 'Refile' mode

Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2022/03/23 04:37

I often have multiple items freshly moved / pasted to a grid and need to put them under different top level items quickly (via drag and drop with the mouse).

With the recent effeciency increase for drag and drop (easy to drop under parent even when the subtree is folded, plus items are dropped at the top of the subtree rather than at the bottom), this has already become much more convenient.

Global setting to either set default image "width" or auto-fit it in Doc Pane

Submitted by carloscadu on 2022/03/22 09:59


The suggestion is about having a global image "width" setting, that could work like (a) or (b).

InfoQube setting image width

Primarily, the idea is to avoid web clipping images that have larger widths than the usual set for the Document Pane.

Also it may work when pasting larger images from the clipboard.

Re-sizing images in Doc Pane

Submitted by WayneK on 2022/03/20 17:58

Minor suggestion for improving image re-sizing in the Doc pane:

Make it possible to re-size the image in one simple step. 

For example, provide an image size percentage box where you can change 100% to 50% to make the image half-size with the same aspect ratio.

We had this before but now the dims are split into two boxes and you have to calculate the new dimensions to keep the same aspect ratio (as far as I know).

Toggle Default Values in Forms

Submitted by viking on 2022/02/26 14:27

In Forms, I suggest a toggle button to the left of the 4 current button.

When pressed, it shows the default values to be used for new items; when not pressed it shows the item current values (as it works now).
It should be possible to change any default values before creating the new item (as can now be done for the current item).

Also, to make sure that we know that we are looking at default vs current values, I suggest that the Field/Tag font is changed when the button is pressed e.g. to blue or italic or both.

Suggestion: 'Paste into Doc Pane' command (available in 'context menu' and as 'keyboard shortcut')

Submitted by carloscadu on 2022/02/07 14:48

Edited 2022-02-17: Thread's subject changed to reflect last discussion.




This suggestion is based on two use cases:

Case 1:  Within InfoQube, I often create items by splitting the content of a lengthy single note into multiple items having less content.

Case 2: The clipboard is filled with content from external applications (browser, text editor, etc.) and I'd like to create a new item by pasting the clipboard into InfoQube. 


Show Mutliple Context Parents

Submitted by viking on 2022/02/02 05:12

When an item has multiple parents and "context parents" is checked, only the original context parent is shown.
In the example below, itemA, has two parents, Parent1 & Parent2, as shown in the properties pane.


I would be helpful if both parents would show as context parents as well, e.g. Parent1 | Parent2, instead of just Parent1.