Submitted by Jon on 2009/12/04 08:08
Congratulations on Pre-release 1. Things are looking good.
Is there any way to alter the views on the calendar (daily, weekly, monthly)? Also, the exclusion of Saturday and Sunday is driving me nuts. Is there a setting that will alllow these days to be displayed?


Have you read 2. IQ Calendar ?
Also, the Calendar options UI is coming. Lots of settings will be included.


2009/12/04 08:42

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Yes, I read the article. I am referring to the the non-timleine display. The instructions are ambiguous to me.
The Calendar provides you with the following displays:
Day view: 1, 5 and 7 days
Week view
Month view
A TimeLine view is also available for each of these time scales:
Are these views available in both views or just the timeline? How do I change the scale?


2009/12/04 08:45

In reply to by Jon

The date tool bar
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2009/12/04 08:51

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

 Stupid, stupid, stupid. I mean, how unobservant can you get? Apparently pretty comatose.
Thank you very much Jan.


2009/12/04 09:28

In reply to by Jon

Don't worry about it, we've all been there. Me... many times.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2009/12/04 12:28

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

>the Calendar options UI is coming. Lots of settings will be included.
Pierre, this calendar rocks. Some quirks, just in case they're not already noted:

Odd event durations are shown to as many as eight decimal places. Can I request an option for Durations Off, as well as Modulus 60 display?

Also, for folks not using workspace tabs, the Calendar is coming in without a header bar, and so can only be moved one edge at a time.



2009/12/04 12:49

In reply to by JJSlote

  • I'll round the duration, but your event must start at 9:05 or something like that
  • Calendar caption: fixed
Thanks for reporting


2009/12/04 13:43

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I've noticed the multi-decimal duration when entering things like flight times where the airlines don't always schedule to the quarter-hour - of course it would be nice if the arrivals were accurate to 5 decimal places but somehow that never seems to happen!


2009/12/04 14:04

In reply to by jdonlan

BTW, I'm now rounding to 1 decimal.