Field name and properties appears duplicated in "manage fields" dialog, even if not the case

Submitted by Armando on 2009/12/04 14:53
I modified the autoassign equation section of a field (x) and the next field's (y) and propertied name got replaced by the one (x) I modified.
I closed and reopened the field management dialog  to see if it was only a display issue or if I had lost the "y" field properties : everything appeared ok. Scary though.
Sorry, can't give more details right now.


This should be fixed to avoid potential Data loss.
In the mean time, there's a workaround : manually save after each field modification. Duplication of field won't happen then.


2009/12/21 23:41

In reply to by Armando

This is fixed in pre-rel10


2009/12/21 23:47

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

This is fixed in pre-rel10
Nice ! :)