Submitted by KeithB on 2009/12/31 13:16
Jan, I experimented with various things you asked for, and this seems to be working pretty well for me. You might want to experiment with the attached file..   I
Per the picture, I'd type away in the Journal, (line 1.1), double click the Contact_date to get the current date/time  (and optionally put it in the calendar), then drag and drop to the appropriate place in the Addressbook.
In the picture I held down the control key to mainain the stuff in the journal, but if it was "for real" I'd simply drag things out of the journal to move them.
I also put in Armando's idea, of the "My_contact" field, which would be handy if there were 30 contacts rather than 3.
Once the dragging is complete, the AddressBook is sorted on "Item,Contact_date desc" which means it sorts on the Item (ascending), then the Contact_date descending.


Keith, thank you ever so much for setting up that example to try to satisfy my question to the forum. It certainly looks like it would work wonderfully for what I want.
However, I have a couple of problems at this end
1. my contact names are really items. I use a contact list boolean field to assign them to the appropriate grid. I do this in case I want to add something that isn't quite in the contact list form but  belongs there. An example might be an email I rcv w a license / registration # for a piece of software. In this case it would have an added "ID" boolean field should I ever decide to create an ID grid. I guess I could have done this  with wiki tags or category names. I may change over later when wikitags become a little more developed.
2. Instead of date fields which require additional input from me, I use 'created' date field as the last column (out of site) & i sort that field (select item's created column / sort sub-items via context menu) in descending mode. That seems to work.
3. I try to work from my contact list when doing something w a contact so, for example, if I were going to send you and email I might jump to my contact List, Sorted for "K" create a subitem under "Keith" w a note like Eml -> Keith re: contact list example on IQ forum. If I knew enough I'd probably create the contents of the email in the HTML pane & send it off to you but that part will have to wait.
4. Since I've never been able to master IQ's copy / paste functions of multiple items (assuming they are working right) I do use your recommended <CTRL><D/D> methodology which works perfectly.
5. I do have a "Contact Name" field but I use that for the actual contact since my Contact List item might -- in fact -- be a company with multiple contacts, each with their own contact name. Example:
Item                                                                                   Contact                                   B_Tel                     C_Tel                   F_Fax                Appt (appears in calendar)           Created                   
-- Ridgefield Fire Dept                                                   Hilary                                       203-123-456
---- 12/31/09 04:06 pm conv Hilary: my house is on fire, plse come put it out
-- Ridgefield Selectman                                                Rudy
-- Ridgefield Highway Dept                                          David
----- 12/31/09 04:08 pm Appt David                                                                                                                                                                       02/10/10 10:00am                          12/31/09 04:09 pm
----- Appt David's asst Harriett (a real babe)                                                                                                                                                        02/14/10  06:00pm                         12/31/09 04:19 pm
I'm sure there are better ways. This is how I'm currently using IQ for my contact list. I will see if I can incorporate some of the good ideas you & Armando have made in this regard.
Again. Thanks very much & Happy New Year.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2