Hello all,
So far I've been unsuccessful attempting to launch an external editor (MS Word 2010 or BlockNotes) from the HTML pane. I've tried:
- Portable version and Installed version of IQ (and both 0.9.25B and 0.9.25C of installed version)
- Various variations in the pathname (in "Options"): lowercase, uppercase, mixed case, / vs \, etc
- Starting with the external editor open vs starting with the external editor closed
- Using an Environment path shortcut
- Trying the above with both MS Word 2010 and BlockNotes
So far, nothing has worked.
Since I'm running Windows XP, my path looks like this: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\WINWORD.EXE
or: C:\Program Files\BlockNote.Net\BlockNote.exe
Has anyone else successfully used this functionality with the latest version of IQ and running XP? If so, can you provide any advice (e.g. pathname)?
One other question, to make sure I'm not being blockheaded: Will the text open in the external editor itself (this is what I'm expecting), or does IQ have some way of calling the external editor within the IQ HTML pane itself?