There are a number of issues in InfoQube which may be associated with the use of AZERTY keyboards (used in most French-speaking countries, and to be contrasted with QWERTY keyboards, as used in the US and in the UK). I am sorry that I have not previously documented these (and I cannot currently remember them all, sorry!). Among these issues are the following:
- When entering text, holding down the shift key in order to type a sequence of upper-case letters, the first character typed is capitalised but the second and subsequent are in the lower-case equivalent of the key. Thus if wishing to type AERO, what is displayed and stored is Aero. The workaround is to release the shift key on the second character typed, and then to hold it down again. The second and subsequent characters are then in upper-case.
I may need to add to this list.
I have on very rare occasions observed a phenomenon in which as I key items it seems that the keyboard has reverted to a vanilla character set, similar to the standard US keyboard – in other words, when I type AZERTY, the computer records QWERTY. I cannot reproduce this phenomenon.
Both the computers to which I refer are running 64-bit Windows 7 on which I use Microsoft Office 2013, using Office 365 (cloud-based software) licensed in French and normally run with English-language options set. The behaviour I describe appears only to occur within InfoQube.
Control Panel >All control panel items >Language >Advanced settings [panel on left]
> Switching input methods
Control Panel >All control panel items >Language >Advanced settings [panel on left]
> Switching input methods