Submitted by viking on 2016/11/03 14:09
I have, for example:
  Item 1.1
    Item 1.1.1
    Item 1.1.2
When I search for Item 1.1 (using the Omnibar), IQ finds it. However, the found Item 1.1 can not be expanded to show it's children. How do I search to find the item with its children (like in Ecco)?


The children are visible in the Properties Pane
You can also of course click on the "Show items..." button to show it in a search grid
IQ Designer


2016/11/03 14:21

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

OK. Is there some way to show all the found items with it's children in the same Grid, or do I need to sequentially click on the "Show items..." button for each found item?


2016/11/03 14:26

In reply to by viking

Please read 1. Live-Search, in particular Section 1:

1. The Basics

In its simplest use case, the user would:
  1. Enter some text in the search box (top left) and hit Enter
  2. The grid will update, showing search results
  3. Select 1 or more items in this grid (optional). If nothing is selected, all items will be included
  4. Then either:
    • Click on Show items... to show the item(s) in the destination grid, or
    • Press Escape to return to your previous window
IQ Designer


2016/11/03 16:49

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

OK. Got it. Thanks.
(Sorry for being lazy; there is so  much to read and learn)