I am making my third, but determined attempt at utilizing (dare I say, "master") IQ. I need some help and I beg your indulgence for this community's forbearing assistance.
My health has dictated that I begin to consider the preparation of my memoirs I believe that InfoQube has the potential to craft what I am after in this endeavor. The assistance I desire is...
- to simply open a note pad and record my thoughts at a whim...
- to cross-link various items in the notes as required...
These two things will serve me presently and will allow some utility with the program while my perceptions of IQ attempt to gel.
Thank you in advance,
I'm still digesting this, but you have provided the information that will allow me to fulfill my primary interest in IQ, which is "free-form linking!" Given that I have also successfully been able to capture a number of thoughts to text and capture some web pages too, this has certainly become a most productive day! Thanks to all so much!
Fair windsNighty-Night,