Persistent Sort?

Submitted by viking on 2021/12/28 04:41

I am sorry if is already possible to do this (I have not found it in the manual);

I would like an option to set the column sort to be persistent. If I add a new item, the items would immediately be resorted based on the column value of the new item (possible after hitting refresh - F5).

Currently, I have to manually resort every time after adding an item.

New Items and Forms

Submitted by viking on 2021/12/26 16:15


I am sorry if I compare Ecco with IQ but it is the easiest way for me to show my current workflow and suggest new IQ features. I have two feature suggestions (in bold)

Here is my workflow with New Items and Forms:

1. Create a new item (This is usually the way that I enter a new Item)

a. In Ecco: Click a button and a popup window shows default values of fields (they can be modified). Click “Add” and a New Item is created with specified field values.

Back-Forward Tab Navigation and Previous Tab Click

Submitted by viking on 2021/12/26 01:23

1. Add back and forward arrows to navigate to previous Tabs (Grids) like in a browser (and in Ecco Extension).

2. Using a browser extension, I can click on the current Tab to bring me back to the previous Tab. It is very useful when having many Tabs open. I am so used to it, that I expect it to work in Ecco (it doesn't) and IQ.

These are not urgent requests, but would increase the user experience..

Vertical Alignments of Field Values, Expand Arrow & Items

Submitted by viking on 2021/12/18 17:19

I am not sure if this is possible since IQ uses a 3rd party grid..?

Currently, I am only able to align a field value in a column Horizontally (e.g. Left, Center, or Right justified).
If possible, I would like to be able to align the field value Vertically (e.g. Top, Center or Bottom justified; It is now Top only - I would prefer it to be centered). This would be relevant for multiline items.

Also, if possible, I would prefer that the item expand arrow is on Top, next to the first line of a multiline item (it is now in the center).