grid of grids again ...

Submitted by jimspoon on 2025/03/29 02:26

We've had a number of threads over the years expressing the desire for a grid of grids, to organize a large number of grids.  This is useful - - BUT it doesn't get updated when you add a grid (most common) or delete a grid (rare).  So, if you want to update your Grid of Grids to add the ones you've added since the last revision of the Grid of Grids, you have to figure ouf which Grids are the ones you already have in the Grid of Grids, and which ones are the new ones, so you can add them.

paste hierarchical (but not tab-indented) content to get corresponding outline hierarchy in grid

Submitted by jimspoon on 2025/03/27 23:20

Often content I want to paste into a Grid from an outside source already has an outline structure of some kind, but it's not tab-indented.  And so when I paste it into an IQ grid, the hierarchy that was present in the outside source is not replicated as a parents/children outline in the Grid.   The content as pasted as items all at the same level.  So if I want to reproduce the hierarchy in a Grid outline, I have to go through all the items and indent each one to the appropriate level.

Suggestions for customize toolbars

Submitted by WayneK on 2025/03/23 14:08

Customize Toolbars > Commands

1) Categories list should be in alphabetical order.  Right now, you have to scroll up and down the list to find a category in what appears to be a randomly-ordered list.

2) "All Commands" should be at the top of the list (it will be if sorted alphabetically).  I don't see the logic in having it 2nd to last. 

3) One category is named "[Empty"].  Is this a typo that needs correcting?

Seems like I brought this up a long time ago.  Maybe it's something out of Pierre's control.


Enable the "Show in a New Scratch Grid" toolbar button for Live-Search results

Submitted by dderkits on 2025/03/22 11:29

If I run a search under "Live-Search", and if I select one or more of the search results, then I:

a) can click the "Show Items in the Search Grid" button, such that those items appear in a Search grid.

b) can click the "Show in a New Scratch Grid" button (which I had added to a custom toolbar), but nothing happens. Can this latter scenario be enabled/supported?


keystroke navigation in properties pane

Submitted by jimspoon on 2025/03/22 01:09

A few things I'd like to see in the properties pane, to make it fully keyboard-navigable just like other parts of the IQ GUI are keyboard-navigable.

The Properties Pane contains an "outline" of sorts.

The top level headings are Item Properties, Marked Items, Grids, Forms, All Fields.  These are shown with a Darker Blue background.

Make (most of) the options from the default copy / cut / delete dialogs available as independent shortcut-able commands

Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2025/01/23 15:07

It would be helpful for me to be able to do perform frequently used item-related commands like 'copy / cut as IQ items' or 'delete from file' and 'remove from current location' directly without having to send numbers to the popup-dialog.


Make vertical tab bar detachable / its own "pane"

Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2024/12/09 12:08

I'd like to have the tab bar vertically at the left of my dashboard, then 1-2 detached panes, then the grid shows what is selected via the tab bar in the center, then some more detached panes. Currently (with vertical tabs), the tabs need to be right next to the tab-switchable grid pane. This means that either this combined element needs to be at the very left or, if it isn't, dragging and dropping items to detached panes that are on the other side of the tab bar / grid "pane" is very iffy as the tab bar will switch the displayed grid when dragging items over the tab bar.