Trying to drag more than 100 Gantt bars to the right (i.e. : later in time): it just won't.
It used to let me do the drag & drop (and I could see the bar move) thing before starting to calculate new values, but now it seems to recalculate every single steps needed to get from point A to B, even if I didn't drop the items yet. This, of course, is completely inadequate. And can't use the drag drop in gantt as it is now.
I.E. :
As soon as I start dragging (not dropping), IQ freezes and start processing stuff.
I know what it processes : it recalculates all urgencies, dates, etc. However, what I don't get, is why the gantt /IQ won't at least let the drag and drop happen (on the right date!) before doing any other calculation ?