Submitted by Armando on 2010/11/01 15:14
Trying to drag more than 100 Gantt bars to the right (i.e. : later in time): it just won't.
It used to let me do the drag & drop (and I could see the bar move) thing before starting to calculate new values, but now it seems to recalculate every single steps needed to get from point A to B, even if I didn't drop the items yet. This, of course, is completely inadequate. And can't use the drag drop in gantt as it is now.
I.E. :
As soon as I start dragging (not dropping), IQ freezes and start processing stuff.
I know what it processes : it recalculates all urgencies, dates, etc. However, what I don't get, is why the gantt /IQ won't at least let the drag and drop happen (on the right date!) before doing any other calculation ?


I also have the feeling that some other date calculations are now done differently in the gantt as my own now take maybe 4 x more time to be processed... :(

Some more details about the drag & drop to move slide/move gantt bars : sometimes the moving and sliding does work without recalculating stuff every millimetres, and sometimes  it doesn't.
so it definitely seems to be some kind of bug.

The grid supplier did internal changes and I've advised him of the issue. In the meantime, I've worked around this cancelling the update when the mouse button is down.
Available in v0.9.25E