Fully collapse all?

Submitted by lucasd on 2023/11/12 22:34

InfoQube helpfully remembers which sub-nodes are expanded and which are collapsed, so if I collapse and then expand a parent item, the expand/collapse state of the children is retained. However, what if I want to collapse all items in a grid, such that when I expand a parent item the children will initially be collapsed? Is there a way to do this?

Auto-assignment rules using "|" [vertical bar] in string

Submitted by lucasd on 2023/11/08 21:11

In auto-assignment rules, the vertical bar ("|") character is used to separate rules. But if I want to write a rule that makes an item become italicized, it seems like I would need to use:

[ItemFont] = "|I|"

However, it seems that this doesn't work, presumably because IQ interprets the vertical bar as a rule separation. Am I understanding this correctly, and is there a workaround?

Search whole words only

Submitted by WayneK on 2023/10/26 09:26

I like to use Find and Filter>show in search grid.  Why is the "Whole word only" option grayed out for this?  Just did a search for "quest" and got many unwanted hits for "question".  I couldn't find an answer in the manual.

The whole word option is available for Live-Search but this option locks up InfoQube for me most of the time.


122q, Win10

VBScript: Colour of row isn't updating dynamically based on multi-select option

Submitted by desbest on 2023/10/06 14:55


I'm trying to change the colour of the row entry, based on what option I've chosen for the multi-select dropdown box. I mean the category field.

The problem is that it doesn't acknowledge the name of the category that I've chosen. It always ends up being purple, no matter what.


How do I use the replace() conditional formatting for expressions, to automatically replace piece of text within another field?

Submitted by desbest on 2023/10/05 05:25

How can I use the replace() conditional formatting to change "watch" to "embed" automatically within my AutoEmbed field.

I tried reading the documentation but I couldn't get it to work, as the command's syntax wasn't well defined.

infoqube my grid 2


auto-assign a value to a text field based on existing state of yes/no field?

Submitted by jimspoon on 2023/10/05 02:26

Say I have a yes/no field "Banana" and if it is checked, I want to assign the text "Banana" to the field "Fruit Type".  I thought an Auto Assign rule for the Banana field "A:Fruit Type="Banana"" might do it.  But it seems that the rule will not trigger for items where the "Banana" field is already checked when the rule is created.  I can double-click on the Banana field to bring up the items in a scratch grid, and I added the Banana field as a column.  Then I highlighted all the items in the column, pressed space to clear the checkmark, then space again to re-check the items.  This works to

Quick help removing item from certain grids when it becomes a child item

Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2023/09/25 03:00

Hey, trying to save some time figuring this out by picking your brains:

When an item changes from being a TLI to being a child item, e. g. because I dragged it from top level to underneath another top level item, I would IQ to clear certain fields (i. e. to make sure the item no longer has a value for some of my main grids). As I fiddle with these things so rarely, I tend to forget about most of the options - could this be done via auto-assign or would I need to script something?

Many thanks!