In 0.9.104 - if I start typing text in a grid cell, and then activate the Popup Editor to continue adding text, the text I typed into the grid cell disappears and the popup editor is empty.
New: View > Layout > Workspace Tabs command (Alt + Ctrl + W) switches between 5 tab layouts: Normal, Fit, Compressed, Multi-line and Left side. Setting for the maximum tab width when on the left side
New: Improved Workspace tabs looks. Google Chrome-like
More and more I am wanting to access info in IQ from my Android phone. Until there is some type of sync option, what, if any, are my options to get selected items - with info from the Item field AND the HTML pane into another application I could access on mobile?
Once every 2nd time (rough average), trying to access the Field properties crashes IQ. It's been like that for a long time and I was never able to understand what does it. It seems arbitrary.
In the screenshot below I right clicked on PriorityGeneral in the properties pane, the hard drive started spinning, IQ froze for 5-10 seconds, and then crash.
That pattern is always the same. If IQ freezes for about 5-10s, I know it,s going to crash.