Internet Search Engines carved in stone!

Submitted by Paul_J_Miller on 2018/09/21 07:55
I can't seem to change the Internet search engines.
I don't use this feature of InfoQube very often, however if I change something in the 'Options' panel then I expect it to stay changed.
The four default search engines are :-
I don't use Google, it tracks you and gathers data on you.  It gets even worse if you use the Google Chrome browser, if you do then Google get a full report of your browsing linked to your particular installation of Google Chrome, as if every website had Google Analytics built in even if they don't.  Thats because Google Analytics is built into the browser.  There's a reason why the are giving it away for free.
If I change the l

Home page documentation

Submitted by WayneK on 2018/09/21 01:44
I haven't used Home pages at all so I thought I would take a shot at learning it step by step.  I tried using the online documentation.  It might be just me but I found it very difficult to follow and didn't accomplish much at all,
Frustration began at the very beginning where it's presumed you know how to open the home page.  I kept searching for it in my grids because I knew it appeared as a tab.  After many tries, I found it: View>Home Page.  Dead simple in retrospect but it should be given at the beginning of the manual explanation.
Several other cases where I couldn't understand what was said or was unable to do what was suggested (maybe because I didn't fully understand said!).  I couldn't tell when I was supposed to be working in the grid using the main menus, or in the HTML using those different menus, and didn't know if HTML view should be set to brouse mode.

Add an Item Property to explicitly control the Border Color for display in the Calendar

Submitted by DragonGem on 2018/09/19 13:26

Just planting a seed for your contemplation when working on Calendar features...

Items in the Calendar use Item-specific Properties to determine the display of the Item in the Calendar;  ItemColor for the Fill and ItemForeColor for the Text Color. On the other hand, the color of the BORDER around the Item is determined by the COLOR associated with the DATE Field linking the Item to the Calendar. To have 5 distinct Border Colors, there has to be 5 defined Date Fields and data entry requires the user to determine which Field gets the Date info.

Adding a Field Property like ItemBorderColor (which could DEFAULT to the Date Field Color to mimic the current behavior) would be a more flexible solution.

I realize this is probably a lot easier to describe than to implement

Why does SNDB file get new modified date on opening?

Submitted by Tom on 2018/09/19 07:38
Hi Pierre
I'm wondering why does the SNDB file get a new modified date on each opening ?
And more important: is this necessary ?
(FWIW I'm currently trying to troubleshoot a possible dropbox sync failure -- this is made a lot more complicated by the fact the SNDB file changes its modified date each time it is opened.)
TIA, Tom

I can't set ItemColor or ItemForeColor directly via the SQL query for a Field

Submitted by DragonGem on 2018/09/15 12:15
 I have a PickList grid where the individual Items have a Named Color Field (pickColor) attached. I would like the color any Item that references those PickList Codes to automatically assume the Color associated with the PickList Item. I've tried the following SQL query:
     SELECT pickCode as calCode, pickColor as ItemColor from PICKLIST
but ItemColor doesn't change. So I introduced a secondary field (myFillColor) to verify that the SQL was working correctly.
     SELECT pickCode as calCode, pickColor as myFillColor from PICKLIST
This set the value in myFillColor as expected.

HTML Export Merge Fields and Codes

To create your own merge template, use a "real" HTML editor (or WYSIWYG HTML editor).
But  -- NOT MS Word !! Otherwise, chances are that your template won't produce the expected results. If you do use MS Word, save the file as Web page, filtered
Some free WYSIWYG HTML editor :
  • Amaya
  • Free Online Web Page Editor
  • Nvu
  • Kompozer
  • BlockNote
  • WizHtmlEditor
  • IQ's built-in Doc pane
List of the "merge codes":

Tab Formatting

Submitted by WayneK on 2018/09/14 18:06
Is there any way to add custom icons to tabs?
1) Adding icon info (<img>name</img>) displays the descriptive text, not the icon.
2) Turning on "show icons in vertical tabs" displays the same standard icon on all the tabs, with no way to change it.
I'll also make a pitch for adding standard formatting for tab text.  That would be ideal.  I have 30+ tabs displayed in alpabetical order on the side, which is pretty efficient.  If I could somehow highlight the few tabs I use the most, it would speed up searching for the right one.