Edit HTLM externally in Word, with a round trip into InfoQube

Submitted by carloscadu on 2019/11/04 15:55

I’d appreciate your help.
I realized how to open/edit an MHT file in MS Word.
Is there any workaround to do the same with the native HTML from InfoQube DocPane?
I do need to use Grammarly and ProWritingAid spell checking, and MS Word holds both as plugins. So if I could open the HTML from InfoQube into Word, perform the spell checking and even other tasks, then save the file, and having the editing magically appearing in InfoQube is what I’m looking for. 

Thank you!

Font size in DocPane is changing automatically, overwriting my default style

Submitted by carloscadu on 2019/11/04 13:20

I’d appreciate your help.

As shown in the screencast (http://bit.ly/34sok37), when I select all the text (ctrl+a) and delete, the font size in DocPane changes automatically, independent of my default style.

How to avoid it?

Thank you!



Skip row equation if a grid item is shown in the calendar as a weekly recurring event

Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2019/11/03 17:12
I'm using a row equation to create a kind of smart field (e.g. 'ApptInNiceFormat') by reformatting parts of the Appointments date from my calendar and am showing this field as a grid column.
I would like to improve on this by preventing ApptInNiceFormat's value from being changed / updated by the row equation when the calendar event for an item is set to recur weekly because I want those to be undated (for a weekly recurring event, the value should be something like '24/10 Do, 15:30', but for weekly events it should be just 'Do, 15:30' without the date). So in prose, I want this:
If item is associated with weekly recurring event, don't update ApptInNiceFormat (I want to be able to set it manually). If it isn't, set ApptInNiceFormat to the result of the reformatting equation.
So I guess what I really want is an if condition that checks for weekly recurrence.

Dropbox problems...

Submitted by Tom on 2019/11/03 11:40
Worked on file on my laptop then working on PC ('Tommy-PC' in screenshot below)
IQ on PC did not recognise that there was a Dropbox update available --
I noticed the unchanged file I had just opened on PC was uploaded to Dropbox
I moved to laptop -- I was offered the file from PC -- even though this was the older version, it had the newer 'Last Edit' date
  1. on PC, the newer file on dropbox was not recognised by IQ, and
  2. on laptop, the older file is being offered as newer simply because it was opened on the PC (no changes were made, yet last edit date changed to when I opened it)
Not sure a screenshot is any help, but here you go:
The file from the 'Tommy' PC is actually the older file...

Should I use tags or fields?

Submitted by Hilary on 2019/11/02 05:26
I'm rethinking how I use IQ in time for my New Year planning. What I want to be able to do is have a grid dedicated to a project, and then filter and view items (ie tasks) by time period - not actual dates/deadlines, but quarter, month & week.
Question: should I be identifying projects and time periods with fields or tags?
I'm tempted to use tags for both because the child/parent relationships would be very useful - but before I dive in, are there potential snags I should be aware of? What are the pros and cons of each, features present with one and missing in the other...?

How do I create a column to identify which calendar a grid item is assigned to?

Submitted by David_H on 2019/11/01 17:42
I created a grid using the source "ItemInCalendar". I want to have a single grid column that shows which calendar each item is assigned to. So for instance, the field values that would populate in the column would be *name* of the field, not the value in it, i.e. "personal calendar", "holiday calendar", "work calendar" etc.
I know, at least last I checked, that IQ does not support the old ecco feature of a column showing the value of child fields. But here I just want to show the name of the child fields (so to speak). Best way to accomplish?
If formulas are required, please include them :D.