The New Calendar

Submitted by Tom on 2014/02/09 10:10

Calendar looks great Pierre !!

Do you have a list anywhere of what's planned for it?
I havent used it much but straight away have a few minor suggestions and queries (some if not all are pretty obvious but I'll post anyway)
  1. mini-calendar on the left only shows four months . I presume more is planned for that view? A full year would be nice -- a never-ending scrollable calendar would be even better
  2. The draggable year changer under the mini-calendar is great, but changes so quickly that it's difficult to control (could it be setup so that when you get to the end, it will keep 'scrolling' through the years - that way it maybe could be implemented slower?)
  3. Label of event overlaps time making it unreadable (see shot below) - I presume label should take preference (?)
  4. Is colour-coding items planned? (manually and/or automatically according to e.g. private etc.)
  5. the 'My Calendars' seems to be not implemented yet (?)
  6. minor (and may be unavoidable): if I select the month of January (@ 31 days) the first few days from the previous year do not show
Recurring items:
  • modify the title of an individual event in a recurring series: does not work properly here - display splits to show as two recurring events (see screenshot below - note if one is deleted both are deleted so it is not a new item, just a display issue)
Recurring items suggestions/ideas:
  • some indication if individual recurring items have been modified
  • would I be going too far if I asked for recurring item's that are in the past - that they have a different colour to ones yet to happen (?) :-) [I reckon this is not really practical - what would you think of a change of backgroud colour for the calendar before current date?]


This calendar is going to be G-R-E-A-T !! 
So, some points to complete what Tom mentionned.
  • Calendar menu (in the main menu entries): most entries don't seem to do anything there... "Time line view" ? "Use new UI" ? I'm sure you're aware of that though.
  • "Calendar options" : drop downs are empty. OK/Cancel doesn't do anything and options aren't saved. Al already mentioned some of it.
  • Ctrl+shift + o for triggering the grid menu from within the calendar doesn't work (note that this doesn't work from within the "Find" grid either.)
  • Ctrl+F to call the "Find" grid from within the calendar doesn't work
  • Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab doesn't work well either when the calendar is there : the calendar disrupts the focus circulation. Same with the "Find" grid/view BTW.
  • Minor/cosmetic stuff: "New calendar" in view menu should probably be removed. And probably "use new UI" also (if irrelevant)?

  •  It would be important to be able to copy and paste multiple events/appointments at once. (This is obviously possible to achieve by using a grid that displays appointments, which is good workaround in the mean time.)  
    • Now possible (through right clicking), but not very "precise": when pasting, hard to predict where exactly will the events be pasted in the day. They seem to be pasted in the order they were selected, but that's not very intuitive.
  • I see that it's possible to navigate the left bar (min calendar) with the keyboard, but it's impossible to navigate the big calendar and create events just using the keyboard. It would be important to be able to do so. E.g.  create items just by starting to type or by pressing enter, navigate time slots using arrows, jump from one appointment to the other using tab/shift tab, delete (or maybe ctrl+e) to delete an event, F2 to edit an event, Ctrl+C/V to copy and paste, etc. Those are pretty standard navigation/editing keys.
  • The date navigation toolbar appearance/disappearance (when focusing on the calendar) is a bit disrupting ; here, it makes all the grids move in a clunky and somewhat slow way. Moving back to another grid after the calendar... and everythhing moves again. Sometimes the toolbar stays for a while even when I click on another tab, and then when I reclick on the tab it disappears and the mouse cursor strangely changes to the "move grid" mode, and so the grid tabs get mixed up as I move the cursor, etc.  The remedy for me is to undock the date navigation toolbar from the interface (and, e.g.,  put it as far up as possible over the IQ title bar). This works fine as nothing moves around when I select the calendar (the floating toolbar just appears on top of IQ's title bar), but the solution might not be to everyone's liking...

  • "Event details" in the left vertical bar : doesn't show anything (probably note implemented like "My calendar" as mentioned by Tom).
  • To complete what Tom said about "Color coding"... Conditional formatting : automatically coloring/formatting of the appointments/events, depending on content/context : would that be possible ? This is a feature I use all the time and it saves huge amounts of time.
  • Recurrence works but for now I only see virtual recurrence. (Recurrence exceptions , when clicked, show the original "series" values). Probably normal, but mentioning it nevertheless...
That's it for now!
As soon as syncing with Gmail will be possible, I'll be using it for sure!
[EDITED to reflect solved issues and show what remains to be done]
Windows 8
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2014/02/10 11:35

In reply to by Armando

Would also be good:
- Drag/drop events from the calendar to dates in the mini calendar  (to either copy or move events to other dates).
- Horizontal scroll while in "normal" mode (here I can only scroll by clicking with the mouse and dragging the page to the left or right.) Can scroll using standard -- keyboard arrows / mouse wheel / touchpad horizontal scrolling.
[done 2014 03]
Windows 8
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz

(BTW, calendar users : there are a number of hidden little tricks like : mouse left click + shift + drag to create an event of the desired duration)
[Edit] Created this thread for calendar tips and tricks : Calendar "How To"
Windows 8
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz

Another handy  mouse/keyboard combination:
- Ctrl + left click + drag/drop to copy event(s)
Windows 8
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz

Couple of minor bits n bobs:
1) when the calendar is showing just one day, I am unable to drag-select a month in the mini-calendar -- I have to change the view to 31 days first.
2) in the main calendar pane, I am unable to drag-select a few days (ideally I would then be able to create an entry with the selected days dates)
IQ's calendar is much better than google's in that I can scroll down the month view and see the end of one month and the beginning of the next (better for lots of other reasons too of course :p)

Pre-release 16:
it looks like 'Copy item text' isn't enabled yet, but I'll report this in case.
Display issue:
  1. create item
  2. right-click and click on 'Copy item text'
  3. go to create a new entry, the text on the 'copied' entry corrupts
if you edit the entry, *and change the text*, it will then display properly again
Win.7 64bit  ~  IQ 0.9.26Pre-Rel6

When the calendar is open, "Grid" (understandably) disappears from the menu.
Now, the date toolbar disappeared here somehow (with the Calendar open). I dunno was it user error or IQ error.
With the "Grid" menu gone, there's no option in the menu to open the date toolbar. It would be helpful IMO to also have it e.g. under menu:Calendar.
I know it's in the standard toolbar which your average user would have open - but also know that when I'm not sure of something, it's normally easier to find it in the menus, rather than hover over each button and read the tooltip.


2014/03/17 13:13

In reply to by Tom

Closing the calendar et re-opening should show the date filter toolbar again.. does it not ?


2014/03/17 14:08

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Closing the calendar et re-opening should show the date filter toolbar again.. does it not ?
I'm unable to reproduce the problem - I cant even turn off the date-filter now when the calendar is showing, so my suggestion is probably irrelevant.


2014/05/15 09:15

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Hi Pierre.
This doesn't happen here. In fact, I "lost" the date filter toolbar altogether, and didn't know how to restore it. I've just discovered under the Calendar menu, the Date Filter, which toggles this toolbar on and off - great!
Perhaps you could also include the Date Filter toolbar along with all the other toolbars that can be set by right-clicking in the toolbar area?
Mark Gregory, Rennes, France - GMT +1/+2; EST +6

Again, just in case you're not aware of this:

the mini-calender often does not reflect where I am in the calendar.
Showing month view:
1) if I click on Monday March 24th, I see Jan/Feb/Mar.
March the 17th (today) has a red box, but there's no indication I've clicked on the 24th.
if I just move the mouse down to Monday March 31st, the mini-calendar jumps to July/Aug/Sept.
I *was* working earlier on plans for June/July, so I'm thinking it might be remembering that - and confusing the progression from March to April with that from June to July.
2) I noticed earlier - when I was planning from the 30th of June into July: if I clicked on the 30th June, the month of June was selected in the mini-calendar. If I then clicked on *any* date in July, it shows June 30th to July 4th selected.
3) Another quirk I'm sure you're aware of is that it can only show Jan-Mar, then Apr-Jun, then Jul-Sept. It's unable to show e.g. March to May.

Bugs are being squashed! Good to see!
Apart from a few pending issues already mentioned above (keyboard navigation while in the calendar -- from from event to event, edit etc.), Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab don't play well with the calendar or the Find grid; being able to copy and paste multiple events/appointments at once; Ctrl + left click + drag/drop to copy event(s), etc. -- see my long post)...

  I noticed a small bug with the options : t
hey don't stick if changed while the calendar is opened -- at least some of them don't, like the work day and day time scale. For the options to stich, calendar needs to be closed, options changed and then calendar reopened. I haven't tried all options so can't comment on all of them
Windows 8
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz

A  few things to look at, probably:
Reminders (audible and visual) + snooze : an essential part of any calendar! I use Outlook's reminders every day..
- Keyboard navigation in calendar : would be nice to be able to just start typing where the focus is to create a new appointments -- like in the grid or other calendars, like Outlook's
(and ff course, as mentioned above, being able to copy/paste bunch of events in the calendar is even more important -- use that multiple times a day.)
[EDIT : maybe also : marking an event as done could probably give some visual feedbak in the calendar -- like crossing the event's text, or something like that]
- Drag drop an event from the "normal calendar" to some other date in the mini calendar : seems to work... but the event later disappears from where it was dropped (if you look at the properties pane, you'll see that, effectively, the event's date hasn't changed).
- when scrolling horizontally :in the calendar  : the "zoom" that was set  (using ctrl+scroll, from inside the calendar) changes back to default (presumably 100%), need to set it back to previous value everytime. Maybe that's by design, but it feels a bit like a bug

- Little cross at bottom right of selected event :  doesn't always appear, sometimes disappears, sometimes stays... Seems to be linked to whether I left click with ctrl or not, but.... even then, it seems to also obey to some other logic
- Event creation dialog : keyboard navigation : 1) impossible to select time in drop down with arrows/keyboard. 2) Impossible to navigate inside the recurrence area's various options. 3) some areas could be assigned a shortcut letter (Alt+Letter :
Where, description...)
- Little cross in selected event, bottom right corner : not clear what "remove" does -- one will eventually discover that it just removes the  item from the calendar (understood as a display device, like grids) but not from the DB, but... it would be better to explicitly explain what will happen to the  event/item
- Shortcut to delete items : don't work.  Ctrl+E should probably be used (presumably)
- if an item was previously created as an event in the calendar, and then that event was removed from the calendar, linking it again to the calendar (show in calendar) will create yet another subitem. Maybe coud IQ detect that the item was already an appointment and just show it in the calendar without creating an extra sub item... again.
Windows 8
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz

Wasnt sure whether to post here or start a new thread:
Just getting back to the calendar now, so it's still like new to me:
The mini-calendar is much better now Pierre  :thumbsup:
Some display issues:
With 31 days displaying;  the calendar has a fairly narrow width -
Screenshot #1:
I have four problems here:
1a) no dates visible (is the date not more important than the day? I would presume from looking at the calendar that it goes Monday to Friday. See also 1b & 1c below, which make this even more difficult imo:
1b) focused day not highlighted in mini-calendar
1c) Monday 23rd June has focus, both June and July are showing in the month view, yet the mini calendar starts with July - this only corrects itself when I click in a day in July and then click on a day in June.
1d) Recurring entry "WL" goes from 8:00 to 13:00 every Monday - the tip (see above) shows it as going into the following day (see screenshot below for settings)
1e) I checked settings for item "WL", the display corrupted afterwards (not shown here) -> overlapping text and time
Version 0.9.26Pre-Rel23 build 2014-04-22 16:41:28
Running in Portable mode
Windows 7 x64


2014/06/20 06:59

In reply to by Tom

I'll try summarise these a little better (using Version 0.9.26Pre-Rel26 build 2014-05-14 17:02:40 portable / Win 7 x64)
EDITED for pre-release 27:
1.1) & 1.2) below seem unimportant now
1.3) mini-calendar display and scrolling has improved: I still dont quite understand how it works - scrolling the mini and main calenders have different effects - will work with it and see how I like it
2.1) is still there - a minor bug

1) Focus on Mini-calendar:
1.1) doesnt show which day has focus in the calendar display - actually it appears that a day cannot have focus in the main display - is this intentional?
1.2) mini-calendar is favoured over display - I can select days in mini-calendar, they will show in display. I *cannot* select days in the main calendar display - I presumed I could, and that the selection in the mini-calendar would update.
1.3) which three months are shown is still a little quirky imo - e.g. if display shows Sept/Oct, mini-calendar will show Oct/Nov/Dec if I click on Oct 1st, will only display Sept/Oct/Nov if I click in a day in Sept (in main display)
1.4) in pre-release 26, the calendar is again showing days only when compressed withwise - I was sure is was showing numbers (dates) in version 25 but can no longer confirm that... [FIXED in pre-release 27] [see following post - works sometimes, sometimes not]
2) Main Display:
2.1) "InfoTip" in main display *always* show an entry as ending on day after it actually finishes - say an appointment from 9 to 10am today - tip will show it as ending tomorrow [and say - "Duration: 1 day(s)"].
Other minor issues mentioned in post above seem to be fixed


2014/06/20 09:20

In reply to by Tom

[quote=Tom]1a) no dates visible (is the date not more important than the day? I would presume from looking at the calendar that it goes Monday to Friday.[/quote]
The 'squashed' calendar showed just dates yesterday - today it shows days again :-(
no dates visible...
I updated yesterday (Pre-release 27) - so I think it worked on first start; restarted IQ today & it reverts to old behaviour.
See also last screenshot below - it seems to toggle on restarting IQ :-/
an odd little bug - would take me to find it ;-)
Pre-release 27
Calendar showing 31 days. Timescale turned off (Note: in new sample grid you have to turn it on *and* off in order to get it properly off).
The earlier entry (08:00) shows *after* the later one. (Note: these are recurring items)
I tried to drag the 8am one above the other, the time disappeared (only for this day). Likewise when I dragged the upper one down.
If you check the entries time at this stage (double-click) no time info is shown
If I repeat the process - trying to drag either entry down, the time changes (in the sample file it reverted to 0:00). You have to drag it down a good bit (keeping in the same day)
Another aspect: (this possibly only shows on reopening the file) the modified recurring item is no longer recurring. The actual recurring item starts from the following instance - i.e. it disappears completely from before the modified entry. EDIT// the missing entries reappear on restarting. (I deleted and recreated them anyway, as I dont trust them any more.)
Related to #1 above: as you can see in the last shot - on restarting, it has reverted to showing dates, *not* days


2014/06/25 09:25

In reply to by Tom

Hi Pierre
I just wanted to say that #1 as reported above basically makes the calendar pretty much unusable for me
(#1 = main calendar showing no dates at 'normal' window size and month display)

e.g. I'm trying to plan a trip:
in the mini-calendar, I drag-select the month of October, for some reason, the focus jumped into September (I cannot reproduce).
=> But my point is that the display in main calendar is unusable - I presume it's September but have to double-click a day to find out exactly what day I'm on.

And now 5 minutes later it's showing dates again and I have no idea why I did open my sample/test file in another instance (FWIW, it is showing days instead of dates).

thanks, Tom


2014/06/25 12:00

In reply to by Tom

Isn't this related to the calendar display width ?
The fact that no numbers appear in screenshot #1 makes it difficult to use though, I agree.
One quirk that completely prevents me to use it is the fact that it doesn't keep its "zooming" level. As soon as I change date, I'm back to default zooming.
I'd be constantly zooming in/out, which is extremely time consuming. Zooming with my touch pad takes many seconds.
It would also be convenient to have smaller time subdivisions : 15 min is good, but I think it should be able to go down to 5 (like Outlook)
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2014/06/25 16:52

In reply to by Armando

Isn't this related to the calendar display width ?
I did reduce the window size for the screenshot,
but ...
A)  I use dual-pane view, and dont use the full screen for IQ.
B)  my calendar is actually a lot wider, but I still have the same problem - the day names simply expand to full day names. It needs a fair bit of width before it will show dates.
Note: for the example given above - planning a trip, and for a lot of other calendar input - I wouldnt need the calendar any bigger - so long as I can see what date each day is.


2014/06/25 18:47

In reply to by Tom

I agree with all that, of course. Dates should always be visible.
Outlook solves the problem by having days at the top only (as column headers), and day numbers everywhere else, in all the  the "table" cells.
IQ's Gantt has a similar problem - not always easy to quickly see the date. Need to zoom in/out; but it could be that I'm doing something wrong.
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2014/06/26 05:57

In reply to by Armando

I agree with all that, of course. Dates should always be visible.
Outlook solves the problem by having days at the top only (as column headers), and day numbers everywhere else, in all the  the "table" cells.
[/quote]Outlook's solution sounds good - but I'm happy with just the dates and indication of the first of the month (as shown in my last post above with images).


2014/06/26 15:14

In reply to by Tom

Hi Tom,
I've improved the header display in v0.9.26PreRel28.


2014/06/26 15:51

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Could the zooming also be kept when switching days ?
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2014/06/26 16:27

In reply to by Armando

Currently, there is now way to know what is currently displayed in the Calendar
Eventually, I hope to be able to...


2014/06/26 21:01

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

>there is now way to know what is currently displayed in the Calendar
I would've thought that the zoom ratio wasn't dependant on content. For me it's impossible to use the calendar as it is -- time increments to large, zoom too small, etc. (other things mentioned above).
It's ok I'll just wait; I'm not in a hurry, calendar wise.
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2014/06/26 23:57

In reply to by Armando

For me it's impossible to use the calendar as it is -- time increments to large, zoom too small, etc. (other things mentioned above).
Humm... I'll add an option to have smaller time increments. For the rest :
  1. If you press CTRL when creating your event, then the increment is 1 minute. Should be sufficient
  2. Zoom: Please explain as IQ has more display modes than Outlook (and supports Wheel-click-drag to zoom in/out which Outlook doesn't have)


2014/06/30 23:52

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

As I already said earlier , the calendar will be great. It is already, in many aspects.
The zoom problem : if I "zoom in" (crtl+"touch pad scroll down"... is there another way ?), and move to another day (arrow left/right/up/down, or clicking on another day in the mini calendar): the zoom is gone. And I have to crtl+"touch pad scroll down" everytime (with  my touch pad, zooming to the size I like takes several second - betweenn 15 and 20) to get the "right" size. I function with small time increments.
There a few other things that prevent me to use it comfortably right away (reminders being another one), but this is one of the biggest -- it might not be a problem at all for others though.
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2014/07/01 14:20

In reply to by Armando

 Ok, I understand now.
As soon as feasible, I'll implement it.
For the time being, using the date filter toolbar or the mini calendar is the way to go, basically, the same as you would do if using Outlook.

On my system, in the single day view of the calendar (accessed via the "1" button), I just see a big blank space, without any lines or numbers to indicate times of day. All I see is "Tue Jull 22" (for instance) at the top, and then just a big blank space below that. Am I missing something obvious? Have other people had this problem?
(I'm using Pre-Release 29 on Windows 8.1 Pro)


2014/07/22 11:41

In reply to by lucasd

Perhaps the time scale is hidden. IQ has a couple of modes for the calendar
Click on the gutter left of the calendar and / or right-click and select Show time-scale


2014/07/22 12:00

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Problem solved! But it was a bit strange. First, I tried the right-click method, and I found that "Show Time Scale" was already selected, and when I clicked on it, it was impossible to un-select it. But still the time scale didn't appear. Then I tried clicking on the gutter, and voilá! Now I see the expected hour lines. But still it is impossible to un-select "Show Time Scale" in the right-click menu. In other words, the right-click menu has no effect and doesn't change, but clicking on the gutter works fine.
Thanks for your help! 

Hi Pierre,
Have reviewed the "New Calendar" comments and have some follow-up questions/comments:
- the ability to color code events, similar to the old Calendar in Rel13, is a great tool and I see others have been asking about it too, any plans for that?
- I get that I can right-click to select "show time scale" so days of the week are labeled, but when I do that none of the calendar events display, so I have to unselect so the events display again.
- I cannot get the days events to display chronologically from earliest to latest during the day, it seems to have something to do with "recurring" events overriding chronological order and always taking first place/top of the order.  I work with several recurring and one-off events so that's not helpful for me.
- I cannot figure out how to switch from the 24hr clock to the AM/PM time setting.
thanks Pierre
Doug Bartlett