In Ecco there is Auto-assignment and scripting (e.g. Lua).
In IQ there is rules/equations (and VBscript).
How do I write a rule that adds a letter (symbol) at the beginning of every newly created item?
For example, if I add a new item "Call mom", I want IQ to change the item text to "X Call mom".
In particular, I want X = Wingdings Char Code 108 (ASCII) (This would put a large bullet in front of every item like in Ecco)
1. I was able to add a small bullet as format by typing Alt-0149 (Arial) or by copy/pasting it from Word.
It also doesn't work to copy/paste Wingdings Alt-0109 from Word. Instead of a bullet I get another symbol (hollow square). Any way around that?
I found the icon folder in IQ but it only has bullet.ico. I tried to use <img>bullet</img>, but it didn't work. (The label becomes <iimg bullet> or similar)
For that matter, where are other settings stored? Can they be saved and loaded in a new file?
2. OK. Font labels works now
For that matter, where are other settings stored? Can they be saved and loaded in a new file?
Windows 7 64-bit