Submitted by viking on 2017/11/16 17:25
Is would be very useful to be able to change what is displayed in the cell:
For each item, cell displays Sub Folders of "Parent" that contain item (as an alternative to the usual:  Items "Parent" text)


It'd be better if you explain in detail what you're trying to accomplish.  It's been a while since I've used the Ecco set up you're showing and I can't remember the details of how it works.


2017/11/20 04:53

In reply to by WayneK

It'd be better if you explain in detail what you're trying to accomplish.  It's been a while since I've used the Ecco set up you're showing and I can't remember the details of how it works.
I have several folders that are related; I combine them as sub-folders under a "Parent"
I want to show the values of these sub-folders in a single column instead of adding multiple columns to my grid.
This is how it would look like "normally" in Ecco and IQ:
In Ecco I have the option of showing the same information in a single column instead:
In my case, I sometimes have up to 20 such sub-folders and the later type of presentation is then invaluable.


2017/11/20 15:17

In reply to by viking

OK, I understand better what you're trying to do but not what you're trying to accomplish.  The reason I put it that way is because there may be other ways to achieve your goal even though InfoQube is lacking a particular feature.
Why don't you want to display 20 columns?  Is it because you think it'll take up too much screen space?  Because it'll be too hard to see which fields an item is assigned to?
On the first point, you can use group column to drastically reduce the sizes of the columns when you're not actively using them.  Also, note that if you did have your feature, it would still take up a lot of screen space if you have multiple assignments.  For example, if you have an item assigned to 17 fields, then that single item will occupy 17 lines to show all the assignements.  To me, that's even more difficult to work with than having 17 fields displayed horizontally.  It's also one of the reasons I've shied away from using long multi-select lists.
I'd look carefully at column grouping, conditional formatting (to make assignments stand out), auto-assign, and multi-select lists to see if you can combine them in a way that accomplishes your aim.
That's enough for now.  I'll try to pitch in with more ideas if you want to work through this but I'm not going to post more until I see if you're interested in actively pursuing this.  If you do, there may be some more experienced users who will chip in ideas.


2017/11/20 15:26

In reply to by WayneK

Thanks for the answer Wayne,
To those are good ideas, I would add:
  1. Use the Properties pane, in general, and more specifically, Forms to show specific sets of field-values, without congesting the grid with excessive columns
  2. Column sets to quickly change the appearance of grids on the go
  3. Auto-assign rules combined with the AddKeyword / RemoveKeyword functions to set a text field to show these "sub-fields"
  4. A Smart field to combine values of a set of fields (see Smart Fields)
IQ Designer


2017/11/21 00:26

In reply to by WayneK

Why don't you want to display 20 columns?  Is it because you think it'll take up too much screen space?  Because it'll be too hard to see which fields an item is assigned to?
On the first point, you can use group column to drastically reduce the sizes of the columns when you're not actively using them.  Also, note that if you did have your feature, it would still take up a lot of screen space if you have multiple assignments. 
[/quote]Actually, I have multiple parents (currently 10 and growing), each one with a set of 10-20 sub-folders. Each item only have one field (sub-folder) assignment under each parent. It would indeed be very difficult to see which folder each item is assigned to. It would also take up a lot of space. I am actively using each Parent, but I admit that I have not read up on group columns and if this could solve the task in IQ. Note that the sub-folders are text columns and the column texts will differ (and will need to be entered manually).
Here is another example (only using 3 Parents and 5 sub-folders for each):
"Normal way"
"Compact way":
p.s. The Forum didn't format this post properly. Presumably because of the long image (I thought it would resize the image to fit?)
EDIT: A few hours later it seems to have corrected itself (?!); now correctly formatted.


2017/11/21 07:36

In reply to by viking

[quote=viking]EDIT: A few hours later it seems to have corrected itself (?!); now correctly formatted.
LOL, it didn't "correct" itself, I silently edited it and set the image size. On this forum, images are not automatically sized, it is under the full control of the author
IQ Designer

What it does is that instead of showing the field value, the column shows the value of child fields.
Is it feasible, yes
Is it in the immediate plan, no
You can however group columns to show/hide columns. Details here: 4. Grid Columns and Column Sets
Fully functional calendar is the current focus
IQ Designer