After working thru the peculiarities of creating new Items and populating data Fields directly in the Grid and via Forms, I'm finding data entry in IQ to be refreshingly "keyboard friendly" EXCEPT for returning to the 1st Field to begin entering a new Item.
I notice that both <Home> and <Ctrl+Home> have identical effects in Grids (move to 1st row) and the Properties Pane (focus Item Properties divider); one of these Shortcuts could be enlisted to shift the Focus to the 1st Field instead. Additionally, creating a NEW Item / Sub-Item via <Ctrl+F7> / <Ctrl+F8> (or <Enter> / <Ctrl+Enter> in the Grid) should automatically shift the Focus to the 1st Field as well (this goes for the Item Command Toolbar buttons as well).
Alternatively / Additionally, <RightArrow> when in the last Column of a Grid (or <DownArrow> in last Field in a Form) should cycle the Focus around to the 1 Field.
These requests may seem trivial but will actually save a lot of time when doing a significant amount of data entry and make IQ much easier for novice users to learn. IQ has already addressed virtually every other aspect for moving between Fields and calling up Pick Lists so these features would simply complete the set.
P.S. Adding the Document Editor Formatting commands for toggling Bullet Lists and Numbered Lists to the List of Commands that can be manually assigned Shortcuts would also be a welcome addition (in addition to access to the toggle commands for Browse Mode and Lock-to-Item requested earlier).
Thanks Pierre. It sounds like the <Home> shortcut will do the trick for data entry. Will <End> and <Ctrl+End> work in the opposite fashion?
Still having an issue with assigning Shortcuts to Toolbars. Section 8 of manual implies that right-clicking on a Toolbar button will bring up a Context Menu with a Shortcut Assignment option but in reality it just brings up a Selection List for visible Toolbars. (P.S. Holding down <Ctrl>, <Alt> or <Shift> while right-clicking will cause IQ to exit completely).
The [Add or Remove buttons] Menus do provide access to all the Toolbar buttons but right-click there is ignored ([Customize] there is the same as [Tools] [Keyboard shortcut] [Customize]).
Sorry for chasing around in circles as the documentation does indeed state:
The 2 separate Menu Customization dialogs look so similar that I kept looking for the Document Commands via [Tools] [Keyboard shortcuts]. I can confirm that accessing the Customize dialog by right-clicking the Document Toolbars provides access to [Browse Mode] & [Lock Item] under the [View] category and [Bullet List] & [Numbered List] under the [Format] category. You might consider adding "Application Toolbars" and "Document Toolbars" to the Dialog Titles to avoid confusion in the future.
It appears that I was a little short-sighted in requesting <Home> and <End> to jump to the 1st and Last Grid Columns as those keys are also used to jump to the Beginning and End of the Text value In the Grid's Text Editor after pressing <F2>. Not sure if you can suppress these actions while in Edit Mode or whether it makes more sense to use something like <Alt+Home / End> to jump Columns instead.
P.S. <Shift+Home> and <Ctrl+Shift+Home> have some interesting effects when the 1st Column isn't focused. Seems I have opened some proverbial "can of worms" here.