Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2018/10/15 18:10
Hi IQUsers !
The v110 release thread is getting long...
I propose that Tag related issues and comments (good and bad) be posted in this thread from now on.
With v110Pre6, are there any remaining issues ?
p.s. I'll start writing the doc for this new feature tomorrow. Stay tuned ! :-)


Tags are working great for me. I'm doing the majority of my Tag creation and organizing in the Tags grid; love using a [Comments] column and the Document Pane to provide context clarifying the purpose for some otherwise cryptic Tags. Any editing that I've done directly in the Tags Pane has worked as expected with all the basic functionality that I need available via the right-click Context Menu. I still strongly suggest that a properly initialized Tags Grid be part of any new Database by default.

Since I frequently end up with upwards of 100 tags, I like to use Non-AlphaNumeric prefixes to keep the Flat Tags Listing organized and easily filtered. Understandably, a number of these standard keyboard characters are not either not allowed or have some adverse effects (HTML-related) on the Tag's Text. Below is a Grid that I include in all my IQ databases showing the Sort Order of these special characters and an [OK?] column to indicate how safe they are to use.
OK="Y"es : These appear to work as expected.
OK="m"aybe : These seem to work but might have other meanings; mainly math "-+=<>/" or logical "&|"
OK="N"O : AVOID these as they are either invalid or have side-effects.



When I first start InfoQube the tags are not visible in the 'Properties' pane.
However this is easy to fix (it needs to be fixed after each start of the program) you just go to the 'Item Tags' pane and do someting to a Tag, either add, delete, or add then delete.  When you return to the 'Properties' pane the Tags have re-appeared as if by magic.
Perhaps some initialisation isn't taking place when the program starts.
As fo seeing the Tags as a column in the grid, yes they are appearing now (v110 pre 6) in fact some of them are so eager to appear they are appearing twice!
Don't know if that is someting to do with the hierarchy or not.
Appearing twice is not a problem, the core funcionality of getting a list of the intersection (AND) of two or more Tag sets seems rock solid and that is what matters.
Hope this helps.


2018/10/16 20:31

In reply to by Paul_J_Miller

Hi Paul,
I was able to reproduce the empty tags in the Properties pane. It occurs when the Properties pane and Tags pane are grouped together
I'll look into the duplicate tags (Computer), could it be that there are two tags with the same name ? Show the Tags grid in flat view and check if there are 2 Computer entries (with different TagIDs)
IQ Designer


2018/10/17 05:27

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Having looked at the Tags there don't seem to be any repeats.
This was an import of the WikiTags and I think you can't have duplicates in the WikiTags.
However in the early stages I did do a lot of messing about to try and get things working which may have messed things up.


2018/10/17 18:34

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

The empty tags issue in the Properties pane is fixed in v110Pre7
IQ Designer


2018/10/18 05:29

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Confirmed, in v110Pre7 the tags appear straight away, all the core functionality of the tags system is now working.
The problem of duplicate tags in the grid is just a trivial aethetic annoyance.  Is it worth doing anything about?
It would be a problem if tags were not appearing, but appearing twice is not a problem.


2018/10/18 10:24

In reply to by Paul_J_Miller

The problem of duplicate tags in the grid is just a trivial aethetic annoyance.  Is it worth doing anything about?
  • in the next version, I fixed the issue of duplicates tags (related to earlier pre-release versions)
  • A database repair should also fix it, even with the current version (Tools > Database > Other > Repair)
IQ Designer

I've found two minor issues:
1) Ctrl T was calling up the dialer for me until I reset all the keyboard shortcuts.
2) Keyboarding from the filter area to the tag area via one down arrow shows no visual highlight.(the "&" in the screenshot)
The spacebar does select the tag "&".
Another down arrow shows the visual indicator ("2002" in the screenshot).
I'm trying to find the quickest way to enter multiple tags. Presently, I've got most of my tags entered (over 100), and  I'm doing Ctrl-T, getting the focus to the tags (if necessary), then typing the first tag, then the end key, then the second tag, the end key,etc, and using the awesome visual indicator at the top to see if I did it correctly.
I had been going to the filter area, typing in the tag (to see if it existed), then arrowing to the grid to apply it (and whereupon I found the first line highlight issue), then going back up the filter area, and backspacing out the tag, then typing in the next tag, etc.
That was more work, so I decided to just add most of the tags I thought I'd need.
Has anyone else found a better way to quickly add multiple tags via the keyboard?


2018/10/18 22:42

In reply to by KeithB

Has anyone else found a better way to quickly add multiple tags via the keyboard?
Yes (I think it is faster...) using search-as-you-type
  1. Ctrl+T to move focus to the Tags pane
  2. Type a few chrs of a tag
  3. When the right one is focused, press the space bar to toggle its state
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each tag
  5. Ctrl+T when done to return to the grid
Super quick !!
IQ Designer

With v110Pre6, are there any remaining issues?"
Currently, right clicking on a tag the user can select "show items". I would love it if there were two right click options:
"Show all database items" (currently named "show items")
"Show active grids items" (obviously this would be based on the active sources/filters at that moment for that grid)


2018/10/19 00:38

In reply to by David_H

Hi David,
In v110Pre8:
  • New: Tags pane: New command: Show Items (Grid Subset): Limits the items to those in the current grid only (not the whole IQBase)
IQ Designer

 Awesome Pierre. Another request. If possible it would be nice to be able to add the tags column to forms.


2018/10/21 13:35

In reply to by David_H

Hi David,
Good idea !
I included it in the latest patch (portable version)
IQ Designer

Hi All,
Tags documentation is improving... See: 3. Tags
IQ Designer