This was prompted by the new tags -- I'm looking from input from people on how they use tags in IQ -- or how they *imagine* tags could be used in IQ.
For our information management in IQ we have:
hierarchy (including multiple locations)
yes/no fields
fields for text
fields with fixed lists from which we can select one or more relevant entries (and variations on that idea)
etc. etc.
and now we have tags.
I was already feeling unsure how to organise stuff -- and while I find the whole tag thing wonderful, I'm wondering when to use each of the above -- tag or field, hierarchy or tag, etc. etc. Sometimes it's hard to know when to put things in separate grids. Of course there will be learning en route and dead ends (e.g. grids or fields created that get abandoned).
But I was hoping people might contribute suggestions or advice related to how they are using tags etc and how they are structuring things.
FWIW, let me give a bit of background of my IQ use:
I've used IQ for years, but with projects that were mostly fairly easy to manage (in IQ I mean) e.g. preparing hundreds of semi-technical illustrations, with links to files, fields covering status and some tagging. Hierarchical organisation was usually very clear, I tried to manage time and cost using IQ -- that got a bit chaotic, but in general it worked and I managed.
Now, I'm trying to use IQ more for ideas, thoughts, information on many and varied topics. This is a lot more difficult to manage -- partly due to me -- to a certain extent the management needs to evolve as I figure out more how I want to use this info etc. etc. So I am interested in any thoughts on management -- be it management of any type of info or project. But I would see this thread as simply people sharing how they use and manage info in IQ. (I did write a blog post years ago about how I used IQ for one particular project -- I can dig that out and add the link.)
Recent example one: voting research for an upcoming election: I live searched for "voting", then selected several items from the "V" grid entitled "voting", read through them, and tagged them "voting" if relevant. Quite a few diary entries contained "voting", so I read through them also; if they involved useful information such as how long it took, I also tagged them "voting". I then reasoned that diary files might have said "voted" or "voting" so I live-search'd for those and tagged the relevant items. Then via the tag pane, and clicking on "voting" produced a nice compilation in a scratch grid of (presently) relevant "voting" stuff.
Recent example two: a doorbell repair I need to work on. Again live-search of "doorbell" showed stuff in doorbell_repair grids, diary entries, todo and inbox grids, and well as electrical circuit grids. Again, tagging the relevant items "doorbell" then double clicking on that tag in the tag pane, produced what I currently needed in the scratch pane.
A tip: To help distinguish tags, I use a green background on tags, so I don't confuse them with "regular" items in live searches.