Submitted by jnmwarren on 2019/11/06 10:31
Can someone tell me what the red records mean?


These items must have a value for ItemColor
More context please...
IQ Designer


2019/11/06 14:48

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

The records were created by an import.


2019/11/06 15:31

In reply to by jnmwarren

Can you show the Properties pane "Values" section for an item in red ?
This will show all values assigned to this item
IQ Designer


2019/11/06 16:59

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I believe this is what you are looking for.

I had forgotten about the item properties until I saw the screenshot. But I know I did not setup an ItemColor when I imported the records. So is there a way to either mass change the ItemColor or delete the item color all together for multiple records.


2019/11/07 14:57

In reply to by jnmwarren

I figured out how to remove the background color on multiple items. Thanks Pierre for getting me to look in the right direction.


2019/11/07 15:15

In reply to by jnmwarren

Hi !
In the sample IQBase, there are equations which set the item color based on DueDate date. That is where the color comes from
The color will reappear tomorrow (daily recalc) unless you turn off the equation
To do so, turn off the row equation on the ItemColor field
(in Manage Field dialog, it references the Urgency field which itself depends on DueDate: = CalcUrgency( [dueDate], [Duration], [%Done], [Done] )
IQ Designer


2019/11/07 15:17

In reply to by jnmwarren

Looking at your screenshot, having 690 items under the same parent item is not a good thing (and will slow down some operations). Perhaps clean it up
IQ Designer