Until I get a handle on IQ, I'm using the Inbox for all my work. However I added some fields.
One of them is 'Journal'
Journal is a boleean field yes / no
Back in the inbox I create an item with today's date & I add notes in the html window tthat describe my day
I check 'Journal'
Now I went to the current grid titled 'Journal'
I added a colum from my field 'Journal'
This column is not filtered, ie. 'ALL'
I would have thought that the items checked with 'Journal' should show up in the Journal view but this is not happening.
Clearly I've done something wrong, don't get the concept (as it's been many years since I've used EccoPro), etc.
I wanted to have a Grid / View with only Journal items, i.e. items w notes in html window
There may be a better way to approach this task. If so, what is it?
And I don't understand the use of the popup editor
Thank you.
The Grid(s)
As you put more and more information in SQLNotes it becomes crucial to be able to show just the section that you want to see. The Grid, the primary working window, is where you can achieve such a thing. A Grid displays items and selected fields -- items correspond to lines, and fields are shown in columns.
SQLNotes is very flexible in the way it presents your information. Items are selected (or filtered, shown) from all the ones your entered in the database, using the edit boxes at the top of the grid, in what is called the source bar (see below). Each grid (you can have as many as you wish, and even display several at the same time) have those to define the content.
Here's a description of the source bar :