Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/07/20 19:42
Maybe I have this wrong but it appears to me that the user can only collapse a local (not the entire grid) hierarchy from a parent or grandparent, etc.
In the example below the user would have to be focused on AAA, BBB or CCC.
I'd like to be able to successively close 'ddd' right from that level (or any point in the hierarchy) so that -- for example --
<CTRL>+ - would collapse hierarchy to CCC level
<CTR:>+ - - would collapse hierarchy to BBB level
<CTRL>+ - - - collapse hierarchy to AAA level
The reverse would be true for expanding a hierarchy, i.e. a <CTRL>++ series
This, in addition to the <CTRL>+ 1 thru 9 scheme which works fine but on the entire grid
And, of course, I'd also like the oft requested "hoist" feature to be implemented. It's probably on the roadmap somewhere but if not maybe someone will add it if we think it would be as worth while an addition as I do.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA


I made a similar request a while ago -- I was writing about my difficulties navigating huge hierarchical structures (no real view of the outline, etc.) : Shortcut to collapse level(s) above currently focused item
To achieve what you're talking about I use the numbers with ctrl-shift, which achieves pretty much the same thing. However, doing so, it's not possible to collapse to the level just above, which would be VERY handy (write now I need to manually go to the parent to colapse the hierarchy, which is tedious).
At the time, I suggested that ctrl-0 could be used for that. It's not used and it would make perfect sense. And it shouldn't be hard to implement. It would allow for a quick way back to the immediate parent. A shortcut key to jump from an item to its parent to the parent's parent, etc. would be very very handy...
As for the repeated "+" or "-", why not...  But you can achieve exactly the same with ctrl-shift+[a number from 1 to 9]


2009/07/21 09:48

In reply to by Armando

> As for the repeated "+" or "-", why not...  But you can achieve exactly the same with ctrl-shift+[a number from 1 to 9]
I believe the difference between the 2 is that ctrl-shift affects the entire outline while we both favor localized collapse ability
Having said that I don't really care what shortcut is employed. <CTRL>+0 is fine AFAIC
If it's so simple I would hope Pierre could implement it sooner than later. It would certainly make IQ life simpler, more natural & more efficient. Should this be added to Mantis for more visability?
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2009/07/21 11:47

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

> ctrl-shift affects the entire outline while we both favor localized collapse ability
ctrl + number --> collapse the entire  grid hierarchy.
ctrl-shift + number --> collapses only the hierarchy where the focus is.

Yes it could be added to mantis, with a link to this thread and the other.


2009/07/21 15:34

In reply to by Armando

> ctrl-shift affects the entire outline while we both favor localized collapse ability
ctrl + number --> collapse the entire  grid hierarchy.
ctrl-shift + number --> collapses only the hierarchy where the focus is. [/quote]
I stand corrected. Thank you.
User still has to focus on topmost item to collapse to.

Yes it could be added to mantis, with a link to this thread and the other.
Do you want to do it or do you want me to try?
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2

Done ! Shift Ctrl - collapses parent item and moves focus to that parent. Repeat to move up multiple levels


2009/07/21 23:33

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Very nice !! That will surely help.
(A shortcut key to move up from one parent to the other (without collapsing everything) would be handy too).