Maybe I have this wrong but it appears to me that the user can only collapse a local (not the entire grid) hierarchy from a parent or grandparent, etc.
In the example below the user would have to be focused on AAA, BBB or CCC.
I'd like to be able to successively close 'ddd' right from that level (or any point in the hierarchy) so that -- for example --
<CTRL>+ - would collapse hierarchy to CCC level
<CTR:>+ - - would collapse hierarchy to BBB level
<CTRL>+ - - - collapse hierarchy to AAA level
The reverse would be true for expanding a hierarchy, i.e. a <CTRL>++ series
This, in addition to the <CTRL>+ 1 thru 9 scheme which works fine but on the entire grid
And, of course, I'd also like the oft requested "hoist" feature to be implemented. It's probably on the roadmap somewhere but if not maybe someone will add it if we think it would be as worth while an addition as I do.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
ctrl-shift + number --> collapses only the hierarchy where the focus is.
Yes it could be added to mantis, with a link to this thread and the other.
ctrl-shift + number --> collapses only the hierarchy where the focus is. [/quote]