Submitted by Armando on 2009/07/21 23:58
Anytime i use the add item dialog to insert an new item in the database, the "notes" field is added a "-1"...


OK fixed. To avoid this, set a grid as your InBox grid (grid>>properties)


2009/07/23 01:05

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Ok, thanks. This should work, but my IQ also suffer from another bug : Scratch, search and inbox grids don't "stick" in the options.


2009/07/23 10:02

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Altho this might belong to the dept of redundancy dept, I set my Journal grid as my inbox.  Does anyone see a problem w this approach. I control the journal by date filters. Thanks.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2009/07/23 10:06

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

No problem, especially if you use the DateFilter with the '<' operator:
  1. Mode 1: e.g. ItemCreated = ... : Shows all items in the date range
  2. Mode 2: e.g. Due < ... : Shows all items before a given date not marked as done. Gives you a list of tasks to do

2: Operator  = or <, as shown in the dropdown:

  1. "=" is for Calendar type operations: Select operator = and set the desired start and duration (day, workweek, week, month, year, user-defined. Only items in the selected range will be shown
  2. "<" is for Tickler (todo) operations: All todo's as of the selected date (+ duration) will be shown). "Show Done" should not be checked, unless you want to see all created tasks as of a given date
    • If you set it to today, this will show your current tasks list
    • If you set it to a previous date, you'll view what were your tasks at that date. It is a great tool to view what you had to do and what you've done in a previous week / month


2009/07/23 11:00

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thanks, Pierre.  But just to be clear, how do you define a todo item? Is it an item w a due date or is it an item that has been assigned to a ToDo boolean field?
I hadn't actually thought about using the Journal the way you describe (which makes perfect sense) since I've created a separatte grid that includes Appts & DueDates governed by the date filter, i.e. for a week, etc.
In addition I hadn't seen the reasoning about "=" vs "<" , i.e.calendar vs ToDo altho I understood the meanings of the symbols. Interesting..... makes perfect sense.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2009/07/23 15:29

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

>how do you define a todo item? Is it an item w a due date (...)
Yes, this is the way I do it. Set a due date and then the DateFilter toolbar can show you all yet to be done items. You can also use the sort box to sort these by priority, urgency, due date, etc (or remove the sorting to have it sorted by ItemCreated, which is the default sort order).