I've put a tab "Manual" on the http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AuX7M353Gsi2dExXSFYtMWZaRjFMVEJ… per Google spreadsheet as a discussion tool
I needed something to keep track of what I'm working on on the manual, and thought why not use part of the discussion spreadsheet, and have it colloborative?
Any level of user could help via this vehicle--new users, put a comment column "I don't understand such and such of this page".
If you see anything missing in the manual, add another line, and call it proposed page or something.
Or "I'd like to see".
Or put "I have a tremendous amount of time on my hands, and massive InfoQube knowledge--is there anything I can do to help?"
If anyone's bored, they can copy and paste some url's.
And if nothing else, use it to get familiar with the google spreadsheet. It has some quirks.
/edit 8-15-09 I renamed the thread to be more descriptive