Backin Up

Submitted by jsolka on 2009/09/12 23:56
I keep my IQ on USB memory stick. I use it at work and at home. However, when I try to back up, I get the message "cannot copy file so and so. The parameter is incorrect." and this messes up the whole back up process. I think it's there are different paths on each computer, but still, I would like to be able to back up all the data all at once without picking what ever files I wnat to back up. What is the best way to do it?


Simply put a relative path for the backup folder:
Tools>>Options>>2.2.5 Backup folder:  instead of g:\somepath\somesubpath, simply enter "somesubpath" (assuming the IQBase is in the folder "somepath" (make sure that "somesubpath" exits!)


2009/09/13 14:08

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I added this to the backup page in manual 3. Backup your database, Encryption but I'm not 100% clear
Instead of using the path
G:\InfoQube\BackupFolder\   (where InfoQube.exe is in InfoQube folder)
would I simply write


2009/09/15 13:59

In reply to by Tom

Yeah, I  am not clear either. I put just the folder name, but it doesn't seem to be backing up  now.
Also, when I opened the tools-> data storage->backup folder, the cell was empty. (But backing up was working). Is this normal?
Take care,


2009/09/15 16:12

In reply to by jsolka

I'm trying it out now
IQ path is
Filepath is
Backup path is
Relative path I tried:
..\BackupFolder\     - doesnt work - (I tried restarting IQ)
..\BackupFolder      - doesnt work - (I tried restarting IQ)
Any ideas there Pierre / anyone?


2009/09/15 16:32

In reply to by Tom

Any ideas there Pierre / anyone?
I had to use ..\..\Users\Keith for mine to get it to work ( for C:\IQ\Users\Keith)    (per Link to Files, Folders and URLs


2009/09/16 03:37

In reply to by KeithB

Any ideas there Pierre / anyone?
I had to use ..\..\Users\Keith for mine to get it to work ( for C:\IQ\Users\Keith)    (per Link to Files, Folders and URLs
[/quote]To clarify (I'm trying to make sure I understand correctly for the documentation):-
is the IQ.exe is in C:\IQ


2009/09/15 18:22

In reply to by Tom

Relative path I tried:
..\BackupFolder\     - doesnt work - (I tried restarting IQ)
..\BackupFolder      - doesnt work - (I tried restarting IQ)
BackupFolder should work (omit "..\")


2009/09/16 03:24

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

true Pierre !
just BackupFolder works


2009/09/16 03:38

In reply to by jsolka

Yeah, I  am not clear either. I put just the folder name, but it doesn't seem to be backing up  now.
Also, when I opened the tools-> data storage->backup folder, the cell was empty. (But backing up was working). Is this normal?
I should have read your post closer Jay,
You say "doesn't seem to be backing up  now" and later "backing up was working"
you say the cell was empty - what's a cell ?!
If you still have a problem maybe you could clarify.
As Pierre says, for a subfolder of the IQ folder, simply put subfolder name in options


2009/09/18 16:35

In reply to by Tom

Thanks, Tom.
In my options the dialogue box(not cell -- sorry) was empty. But I'm giving up for now. I just need to figure the best way to back up while using memory stick. I will need to ask a better question in regard to it. Better move to a new thread.
Take care,