Showing item in multiple grids

Submitted by jsolka on 2008/12/11 09:26
I know I asked that question before, but to be honest already forgot some of it. I know that grids are "channels " to see items by the means of "filtering". But still, I find cumbersome to adjust filters in grids so I can see a particular item in them. What is the simplest way to show a particular item in multiple grids?


I know I asked that question before, but to be honest already forgot some of it. I know that grids are "channels " to see items by the means of "filtering". But still, I find cumbersome to adjust filters in grids so I can see a particular item in them. What is the simplest way to show a particular item in multiple grids?
I guess the simplest way is to use the properties pane and tick the relevant fields (i.e. the Field that shows in the Source box) for the grids where you want the item to show
e.g. tick "InBox" & "Contact" to show in each of those Grids

a bit of copy & paste from me + Armando:-

See 5. Workspace tabs and tab groups for an easy way to move stuff from one grid to another - items can be moved from one grid to another via drag-drop.

To make an item/subitem an subitem of yet another parent (item will then have multiple parents):

ctrl + drag & drop on another Item : this will create the impression that the item has been duplicated because it now has another parent. However, it really is the same item, but with more than one parent (you can see that in the properties pane under item Info-->parents
Parents can be removed by right-clicking on a parent and click on the "remove parent link" option

Control+Drag/drop can give the dragged item another parent item - if you drag it "under" another item (i.e. make it sub-item)
You can check this out in the properties pane - see the first item "Parent - child" in 8. Linking

To Tom's excellent answer, I'd like to add:
  • Drag-drop an item from one grid to another (hold CTRL if you do not want to move it). See Working with Grids and Tabs on how to view to grids side by side
  • Use the journal grid, to view items added on a given day / week
  • Use search to view items in the scratpad grid

Another way you might consider:  I made a "Most_used" form, and put the 10 or so fields I use most in it. So then I go to the Inbox, for example, and can uncheck from this form Inbox, and check IQ, pc, research, whatever.


2009/01/12 08:19

In reply to by KeithB

Probably a stupid question but I''m assuming the inbox "yes / no"  defaults to "yes"  when an item is inserted in the "inbox".... right / wrong?
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1


2009/01/12 09:05

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Probably a stupid question but I''m assuming the inbox "yes / no"  defaults to "yes"  when an item is inserted in the "inbox".... right / wrong?
well, did you try it out to see?
I'm not trying to be smart (& it's not a stupid question either)
formerly only Top-Level-Items in grid had the source field ticked
Now, I believe all items have the source field ticked but best to check - show the InBox field, add a couple of Items & sub-items and refresh
Which leads onto "Inheritance" in Manage Fields:-
Value > Sub-Item    will ensure the fields values are applied to sub-items as well


2009/01/12 10:02

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Correct, putting an item in the Inbox grid (as the grid source is set to the field Inbox) will put a checkmark in the Inbox Field to indicate that the item "has been put in that folder" (to use the folder metaphor)